Deep state

Sex, Drugs and Juan Carlos I: Villarejo's Return to the Spanish Parliament

The former superintendent says he suggested the king emeritus lower his libido for "reasons of state"

The excomisario José Manuel Villarejo yesterday to the commission Kitchen of the Congress.
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2 min

MadridJosé Manuel Villarejo says he has had and has homosexual friends, responding to a question from People's Party MP Luis Santamaría about Pedro Sánchez's father-in-law's alleged prostitution business. At this point in Parliament's committee on the Kitchen corruption case, no one knew that the headline the former police superintendent will provide the media will be related to Juan Carlos I and sex. Vox MP Macarena Olona, however, sees it coming: "I will not ask questions as interesting as the PP spokesman has, or else we will end up talking about sex".

But Unidas Podemos MP Ismael Cortés brings up the Jano file. Villarejo explains that it is a compilation of sensitive information on people of relevance in Spain, compiled by the National Intelligence Center (CNI). One of the people in the file happens to be Juan Carlos I, and the former superintendent explains that he was given female hormones, "testosterone inhibitors to lower his libido". "It was considered a state problem that was so hot," Villarejo says. After a while, he recalls that there is a recording of his ex-lover Corinna Larsen who also comments on it and that there are reports from a clinic that corroborate it.

And from sex, to drugs. In the Jano file there was a subdivision, Villarejo explains, which was called Toga Control, in a reference to judges. "It states who has tendencies with minors, who has beaten his wife, who is an alcoholic...", Villarejo declares. All this is used to "control" these people, although ERC spokesman, Gabriel Rufian, describes it as "blackmail". Those who extort are a "group that exists" – says Villarejo, in his usual abstract way – which he calls encaladores, literally 'whitewashers', but more of a reference to white powder than reputation management: they "supply cocaine to everyone who they are interested in controlling," according to the former superintendent. "I do not know what will happen to me from today!" exclaims Villarejo when he believes he has spoken too much.

The spokesman for Ciudadanos, Edmundo Bal, sees a conspiracy theory and asks Villarejo to specify which judges have been subjected to this type of blackmail. The policeman does not like his statements being called into question and asks the Ciudadanos MP if he is also "one of those who threaten" him. 'Those who threaten him" certainly exist: the Prosecutor's Office is considering requesting Villarejo returns to prison before the end of the trial which has just begun.

The sex, drugs and blackmail plot is part of the spectacle Villarejo usually is provides the Spanish Parliament in his visits, but also contributes in its own way to the clarification of the Kitchen case. Villarejo corroborated the information appeared in newspaper Público about a meeting at the PP's Headquarters with María Dolores de Cospedal in March 2014 in which then Spanish president Mariano Rajoy burst in and said: "To work, eh?". Villarejo says he wanted to make sure the president was behind the orders he received through intermediaries and interpreted that he was. Some MPs may not be entirely convinced.
