Antoni Bassas' analysis: 'Aznar is the one who removed the Civil Guard from the roads'
That the immigration agreement is the result of the Sánchez government's need for survival and not of a sincere desire to strengthen the state of the autonomous communities, I agree. But didn't Aznar do the same?

President Isla keeps repeating that he is one to work and not to clash and make noise. The problem is that you do not always choose this. If you are the president of a country in which the state trains do not work, you must confront those responsible for the trains not working, who happen to be people who have put you through your suffering, which is what governs in Spain. Problem. However, Isla wants to send a message to Renfe users: that he is on top of it. That is why last week he announced a daily meeting to control incidents. And that is why yesterday Sunday the councillor Paneque met at Sants station with the presidents of the two companies responsible for the fiasco (a fiasco aggravated by decades of lack of investment), Renfe and Adif. The president of Adif arrived late (it seems like a joke) and the president of Renfe participated telematically, as did the Secretary of State for Transport. The minister did not attend the meeting nor did he participate. Since Minister Puente is one of those who say that the train is living its golden age in Spain, he cannot be bothered with the harsh reality and must be allowed to live in his parallel reality.
Of the agreements reached at the meeting, one stands out: that when Adif finishes a work, the service will not be resumed immediately the next day, but Renfe will carry out a full day of tests. And if the interruption due to the works has been long, they will carry out two days of tests, and thus they will save what they consider to be the end of the problems and that same morning is a drama. Waiting a day to carry out tests is so common sense that it seems incredible that it was not done before. And it puts us in the spotlight: the first problem of Cercanías is the historical lack of investment. But the second has to do with coordination between companies.
The minister must be very zealous, as she was already at the control centre at six thirty this morning. It is clear that everything is extraordinary, with the minister getting up at night to check whether the trains are working, and that what President Illa could do would be to create the Ministry of Mobility, in which a single political leader would focus on the problem of paralysis that the country has on certain days.
And we're done. Jose Maria Aznar has spokenAnd since they have been saying nonsense about Catalonia every day for decades, it is difficult for them to draw attention with a new headline to refer to a new piece of news. That is why, when asked about the PSOE-Junts agreement, he said that it is more serious than the one on October 1st.
He added: "It is not that Catalonia wants to leave Spain, but that Spain is leaving Catalonia." He also believes that the Spanish nation could be dissolved into three nations: Spain, the Basque Country and Catalonia.
Well, the apocalypse is Aznar's natural state. Furthermore, Aznar is not in a position to give lessons on whether the State leaves Catalonia. He was the one who withdrew the Civil Guard from Catalan roads and laid the foundations for the Mossos to become the police force with exclusive powers over public safety.
And in the case at hand, the State delegates powers. And it makes sense: Catalonia is and will be a country of immigration. And with its own police force and its own language, I don't see why 45 years after having a Statute of Autonomy again, it cannot move forward with this delegation of powers. That the immigration agreement is the result of the Sánchez government's need for survival and not of a sincere desire to strengthen the state of the autonomies, agreed. But didn't Aznar do the same?
Good morning.