Spanish and regional governments confirm school will restart on Monday 10
The Interterritorial Council has not approved changes to quarantines

MadridThe Spanish and regional governments have unanimously agreed to return to school and university on Monday, January 10, as originally planned. A proposal by the executive to modify the protocols on quarantines for students who had been in close contact with covid cases, however, was not addressed by the Interterritorial Health Council on Tuesday. Educational and university authorities of the different regions were also in attendance.
The Spanish Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, recalled that almost 28.8% of children aged between 5 and 11 had received a vaccine dose against coronavirus throughout the State. In Catalonia the figure is 25.5%, according to data released on Tuesday by the Department of Health. Among teenagers aged 12 to 15, 57.7% have the full guideline. "Our classrooms are safe spaces," stressed the Minister of Education and Vocational Training, Pilar Alegría, at a press conference from the Moncloa. "Prudence, calm and safety", she prescribed.
Darias also wanted to convey a message in this sense. She called for an effort in vaccination and respect for the protocols that schools already have in place since the start of the year in September. She insisted on mask use, frequent ventilation and use of hydroalcoholic gel for hand washing. The new Minister of Universities, Joan Subirats, also appeared for the first time in the press room at Moncloa, who also stressed that face-to-face attendance is the best solution. However, he pointed out that they are working with the universities so that, in exam periods, students who are infected have ways to take the tests and do not miss the exams.