Ex king and daughters Elena and Cristina have been vaccinated in the United Arab Emirates, according to 'El Confidencial'
The former director of the CNI, Félix Sanz Roldán, also would have received the dose in Abu Dhabi taking advantage of a visit to Juan Carlos I

King Juan Carlos I has already been vaccinated against the coronavirus in the United Arab Emirates, where he has been living since last August, as El Confidencial has published. In addition, the same information indicates that the infantas Elena and Cristina have also been vaccinated in Abu Dhabi taking advantage of a recent trip to see their father. In this way, the daughters of the ex king have skipped the waiting list that affected them in Spain - the country is barely vaccinating those over 80 years old, as well as sanitary and teaching staff - since they are 57 and 55 years old, and they are neither population at risk nor work in workplaces that are considered essential. In fact, due to their age group and health condition, there is still no vaccination date marked on the calendar. For his part, if king Juan Carlos I - who turned 83 in January - still lived in Spain he would have already received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or he would be very close to receiving the dose, since he falls within the age range that the Spanish health system is currently vaccinating. On this information, sources of the royal house have not denied or confirmed the facts, and have said that they have no knowledge of the issue because the infantas "are not of the royal family". King Felipe VI and the rest of the royal family will be vaccinated following Spanish protocols, the sources added.
The infantas would not be the only ones who would have taken advantage of a visit to the ex king in the United Arab Emirates to get vaccinated, since according to the same sources the former director of the National Intelligence Center (CNI) Félix Sanz Roldán, has also gotten vaccinated with the excuse of a meeting with Juan Carlos I. In the case of Sanz Roldán, 76 years old, he has also shortcut the rhythm of Spanish vaccination.
On the weekend of 6 and 7 February, Cristina and Elena de Borbón travelled to the United Arab Emirates to visit their father. It was during the seven days they stayed there that they decided to get vaccinated. In turn, Sanz Roldán would have received the dose during the Christmas holidays, when he traveled to Abu Dhabi to celebrate the birthday of King Juan Carlos I, as explained by The Confidential.