Juntos implodes in Puigcerdà due to the "secret pact" to make a businessman the head of the list
Some of the city's junta militants rebel against the local leader and impose a management committee from Barcelona

BarcelonaThe most turbulent times within Junts are now a thing of the past, but not everywhere. In recent weeks the party has been pulverized in Puigcerdà, in one of the most important mayoralties that Junts managed to retain. in extremis in the last municipal elections. The ingredients of the hecatomb are heterodox: in this crisis there is one of the most important businessmen in the region; a local executive in revolt over an alleged "secret pact" for the 2027 elections; a dismissal within the current Junts government team in Puigcerdà; a former mayor willing to return to the front line and a management board imposed by the national leadership of Junts that has generated "much discomfort" to the members of the municipality, local sources say.
There are two key names in this story: the mayor of Puigcerdà, Jordi Gassió, and one of the most important businessmen in Cerdanya and first deputy mayor, Francesc Armengol. The first was the head of the Junts list for the municipal elections after the withdrawal of Albert Piñeira (mayor for three terms); and the second led an independent platform, Futur per Puigcerdà, although months earlier he had tried to be the head of the Junts list and already came from the post-convergent environment. ERC was the most voted in the 2023 elections, but both agreed on a government coalition and shared the mayor's office: Gassió occupies it now and must fold in June for Armengol to assume it. Now, a revolt has been brewing in the local Junts executive for weeks: due to the militancy's discomfort with Gassió for "ignoring" the members and not calling them "to almost any meeting" - which Gassió's environment downplays - and due to an alleged "secret pact" between him, the national leadership of Junts iCam with Armengol as head of the list. A strategy that the secretary general of Junts, Jordi Turull, is also aware of, according to several sources, although his official entourage declines to make any comment. In any case, this is how Puigcerdà was made to understand in a meeting with militants: in response to questions from an affiliate about whether Armengol would be the next head of the list, Gassió assured that he could not say anything and that the matter "came from higher up".
"We feel deceived," lament several militants, who remember that during the campaign they had been promised that they would not make a pact with Armengol after the elections. And now they complain that, in addition, it seems that they have already decided on the next candidate for the city. "The municipal group of Junts in Puigcerdà goes one way and the militants another. They don't give us explanations," complains one of those consulted. A version that is qualified by sources from the Cerdanya executive, who affirm that there is a "division of opinions" in relation to Armengol and that the opponents do not represent all the militants. Among the arguments of the members against this businessman, according to several local sources, is the resolution in October of a sanctioning file by the City Council itself for having carried out works without the proper paperwork at his petrol station. A file of 150,000 euros fine that has ended in 30,000 because he paid it in the voluntary period, according to his entourage. There are also those who say that Armengol wants to put obstacles in the way of the establishment of Bon Preu in the city because it would be competition (they also have petrol stations), an allegation that the businessman denies. Esquerra has asked for his resignation.
A manager imposed from Barcelona
Everything came to a head on January 31, when the executive of Junts Puigcerdà refused to ratify Mayor Gassió as president of the local committee of the party. This has impacted the municipal government, since the mayor has dismissed Jordi Palomino from the government for "lack of political confidence", the only councillor who, according to local sources, participated in this meeting and who was critical of him.
The process in Puigcerdà was launched within the framework of the renewal of the municipal leadership of Junts after the congress last October. Of these local groups, the vast majority – according to Efe – will ratify their confidence in the current leadership and there will only be competition in three municipalities: Reus, Amposta and Cambrils. However, Puigcerdà is going in a different direction.
Not only was there no ratification of the previous team, but the leadership of Junts has suspended the electoral process and has imposed a management committee. "The national leadership has panicked," says a critical activist, since they stopped the procedure on the same day – Monday, February 10 – that the former mayor Piñeira announced his willingness to take a step forward. "There is a lack of democracy," says another. Piñeira's leadership, according to the same sources, with the support of the local executive, enters into direct competition with Armengol and could undermine the pact. When questioned by ARA, the national leadership of Junts declined to give its version.