Esquerra puts an end to the most turbulent congress in recent years.
The party closes the second phase of the congress in Martorell with a less mobilized internal opposition.

BarcelonaThis weekend, Esquerra closes the congress that has returned Oriol Junqueras to the party's presidency, but with one of the most turbulent processes in the history of the Republicans. After losing the presidency of the Generalitat (Catalan government) almost a year ago, the party became lost in an internal war that led to the divorce of the tandem that had led the party until then, Oriol Junqueras and Marta Rovira. The Republicans arrived at the fall vote to elect the new leadership extremely divided, to the point that the membership had to choose between three candidates. Junqueras did not achieve a definitive victory until the second round of voting and with a close result: 52% of the vote. ERC opened the second phase of the congress in January, which was supposed to define its political and strategic direction and which ends this weekend. The decibels have dropped, and Junqueras arrives at the party's meeting in Martorell with internal opposition, but less mobilized.
The Republican base is called to vote. the three reports prepared by management – the political, strategic and statutory ones – and the amendments that remained in place after the regional debates. According to party data, 1,524 people registered for the congress out of a census of around 8,000 members—a slightly higher figure than the Lleida congress, where 1,303 people registered and around 1,100 attended. Among those attending was former President of the Generalitat (Catalan government), Pere Aragonès, but not Marta Rovira (although she was registered). In both online votes to elect the new leadership, turnout was massive: more than 80% of members voted in the first and second rounds. Critics see the registration figures for this second part of the congress as a sign of demotivation among the membership, while members of the leadership defend the turnout and emphasize that it is higher than the last two congresses.
What exactly will ERC debate this weekend? Its political and organizational direction. The political document lays out the party's ideological foundations for the next four years, during which they want the nation and language to be two of its key pillars. The text is complemented by the strategic proposal, the Republicans' independence roadmap, which places 2031 as a key year in which they hope to have rebuilt the pro-independence majority. However, before that, there's another date marked in red on the calendar: the 2027 municipal elections, in which the party has vowed to regain electoral strength.
These two proposals incorporate several amendments from critics, but they have been left pending debate this weekend. One of them is the one presented by Joan Tardà. The former spokesperson in Congress wanted to modify ERC's statutes to redefine the party and include non-independence supporters, but he ended up withdrawing it. as explained by AHORA, and transferred it to the strategic report. There was no agreement with the leadership to transact the text, and it will be debated in Sunday's plenary session, as will the alliance policy proposed by Ágora, the internal movement led by Tardà himself, which called for focusing it on left-wing pro-sovereignty groups and coordinating the strategy with national groups to promote a referendum.
Endorsement of internal movements
Aside from the political roadmap, ERC will also debate organizational changes. One of the proposals made by Nova Esquerra Nacional, the candidacy of Xavier Godàs and Alba Camps, to limit Junqueras's term and make him incompatible with public office, has fallen through. Critics have finally withdrawn both texts in exchange for the leadership opening this debate during this term. Sources on both sides suggest that it could be done at the national conference that ERC is scheduled to hold mid-term.
Without this debate, the clash with the critics will come to almost nothing, because the leadership has either compromised or accepted the rest of the amendments, including the request made by Nova Esquerra, Foc Nou, and Àgora, to constitute internal currents in ERC. 3% of the membership will need to apply, and the party will have to draft regulations to establish their rights and responsibilities, that is, whether they can be represented in the governing bodies, for example.
The Truth Commission
The Alzheimer's cartel scandal and the ERC B structure uncovered by the ARA The issue that has shaken the party in recent months will also return to the forefront. The Truth Commission, the body that urged Junqueras to investigate this matter, must present its findings to the membership. However, the text piloted by Joan Tardà will not be addressed by the membership, but will instead be sent directly to the Guarantees Commission, which oversees this investigation, along with the party's compliance officer. This Truth Commission will not be able to name those responsible, according to the Guarantees Commission's resolution issued following a challenge filed by two members against it.