Abi Enrech, one of the best comedians and people I know, owner and soul of the bookstore La Llama, specialized in humor, has a wonderful monologue about the preppersThis term is the name given to individuals or groups who prepare for any type of emergency. They train in first aid and self-defense and stockpile supplies that will allow them to survive in the event of an attack. In her monologue, Abi gives a dedicated course on how to be prepper and, above all, it alerts us to what a ballast. And the worst burden is us people. "I'm a burden!" Abi shouts, something she never does offstage. We are indeed a liability, because most of us don't live with the expectation that the world could collapse at any moment and we have a relative stock of basic goods. I, for example, would be moderately prepper As for the pantry, because I panic if I run out of sugar, rice, coffee, or tissues. Or toilet paper and hot chocolate. Or sparkling water. I won't go on, or I'll give myself away. But we agree that, apart from the most carefree and the most sadly poor people, everyone has a defensible stockpile.
The EU has just proposed, in the face of war, climate, and pandemic threats, that all European homes have a kit Emergency response to survive three days without outside help. On the fourth day, they'll come to rescue us. Or kill us. Or the average. European Commissioner for Crisis Preparedness, Management and Equality, Hadja Lahbib, has made a parody video about what she carries in her handbag to show us what we need to put in ours. kit Emergency supplies. Water, food, first aid kits, candles, battery chargers, radio... The EU's intention in making this video was not to alarm the population and downplay the threat, but, in reality, they're screwing us twice: first, because it's impossible not to scare citizens if you think they'll prepare, buy weapons for security, and blah, blah, blah. And on top of that, you have to feel the former head of European diplomacy, the national disinfector Josep Borrell, saying that Europeans must recover their lost "warrior mentality." I can see him putting on his armor and being on the front line. No.
The threat is basically warlike. As Abi says, we are the burden. If we need this kit It's because there are other people, and we ourselves as humanity, who generate situations that cause these emergencies. And what are people going to do with people who don't have the kitWhat do we do with those who always expect you to organize the get-togethers and buy the gift? It's obvious that many people won't have this. kitBut if there is a real need to use it, whoever made the provision will take advantage of it. This is the problem with preppers, that can end up being involuntary suppliers of the burdens that surround them. Not to mention the expiration of the kit. How many kits expired, will we have to accumulate? It may happen that we consume things from the kit because we are against waste, and that just when we do it all these terrible threats will be fulfilled. So what will be more catastrophic, the catastrophe itself, having consumed part of the kit ahead of time or accumulate kits?And why in the kit The emergency department hasn't provided a single bottle of cava to celebrate your three-day survival... and will the EU provide for the fourth?
Whatever happens, we've added a new need to our lives. And another anguish. But we feel much more protected.