The President of the Generalitat of Valencia, Carlos Mazón, and the Minister of Education, José Antonio Rovira.
2 min

The Valencian Generalitat took two days to publish the results of what they called a survey on the basic language of teaching, a political and pedagogical botch job with which they intended to corner the public school in Catalan, or Valencian. Since they published the results (and which everyone could see were exactly contrary to the forecasts of the Valencian government, which expected a widely majority support in monolingual schools in Castilian and found the opposite picture to this), the Valencian governors have been silent and in the cage. Specifically the Minister of Education José Antonio Rovira, promoter of the survey and political author (in this case, the phrase "intellectual author" would be an oxymoron) of the law of educational freedom or Rovira law, usually so loquacious when it comes to denigrating the entities defending the language and the public school, has not said a word again.

For his part, the still president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, limited himself to posting a video on the networks last Friday in which he had the cynicism to say that "it was not a confrontation, one language or another did not win, the victory is educational freedom." Promoting confrontation in Valencian society on the account of language is exactly what this government has done since the first day of its mandate. Even, as has been pointed out, the information campaign about the survey had to be carried out by these same entities that Rovira despises (when they should be his interlocutors: Escola Valenciana, Acció Cultural del País Valencià, parents' associations, teachers' unions), since the Generalitat seemed to want to keep it a secret.

A Council that has been in a weak position for weeks, not only due to the calamitous management of the DANA on October 29, but also - and perhaps above all - due to the subsequent behaviour of President Mazón, which we do not need to go over again because it is a public and notorious indignity. The failure of the consultation with families on the language of instruction has led to the Executive being strongly disqualified by Valencian society. Electoral arithmetic allowed them to form a government, but their initiatives and their way of understanding the exercise of power - intemperate, arbitrary, childish - deserve the rejection of the citizens.

The cry of "Mazón resign", which has already been the subject of five mass demonstrations, has been joined by the cry of "Rovira resign". The president is under judicial investigation for his lies about 29 October. The Popular Party is simply avoiding commenting on the chain of blunders of his government in a key place such as the Valencian Community. A shipwreck that confirms what was already known: far-right governments may seem defiant, but above all they are ineffective, lazy, corrupt and deeply damaging to the general interest.
