Journalist María Casado sings live on 'Telecinco News'.
Periodista i crítica de televisió
2 min

On Sunday night, María Casado, the weekend presenter ofTelecinco News, The program opened by announcing that a man had been swallowed up by the waves in A Coruña. It also featured the death of three other hikers on Moncayo due to adverse weather conditions. It was a tragic start, but the closing remarks, however, were anything but. The final news item was about the concert Los Pecos were performing in Madrid at that very moment. They went live, and a reporter briefly chronicled the show. Upon returning to the set, María Casado created a certain amount of suspense: "Well, in just thirty seconds, someone is going to sing a Los Pecos song live here."They inserted some concert footage as a transition, and when they brought back the news feed, it was María Casado herself holding a microphone. It was clear it was recorded, and they needed that brief pause to blur the video as if it were live: "Sing with me, I know you know it...!" he told the audience, looking directly into the camera. Suddenly, Telecinco News It became a major party venue. Casado added: "I wasn't forced into this, huh... I have to tell you that..." The only thing that would have justified this scenario would have been if someone had forced him to do the act, because what we saw next was truly astonishing. After the first few chords of the song, Casado began to sing. Tell me about yourself from Los Pecos: "Tell me about yoooouuu ... The rear screen, which until then had featured images of the storm, the rescue of the dead, and the Pope of Rome greeting the faithful from the hospital balcony, suddenly became a karaoke bar. Aside from a photograph of the members of Los Pecos, the verses of the song could be read to follow the lyrics. The director also took a bold step: he eschewed the conventional shot and used the crane to create an initial low-angle shot. The news floor began to light up in different colors: pink, yellow, fuchsia, blue... And Casado was happy, like a participant in a talent show, continued to have some difficulties in tuning: "If you understand that love is everything. If you come with me when I'm alone..." Luckily, he didn't want to sing the entire song. He ended the newscast after the return: "Lose your shame! Enjoy! See you on Saturday!

Telecinco's viral strategies are absolutely insane. The network has instantly recovered its popularity on social media. The pride of the absurd. When Carlos Franganillo left Televisión Española to become head of Telecinco's news programs, I don't know if he planned these specials to liven up the current events or if they were his own idea. In any case, perhaps news time isn't the best time for journalists to lose their shame.
