Doesn't even God speak Catalan?

School in Catalan, demonstration
2 min

In May 1914, a miracle occurred in Tarragona. Antolín López Peláez, from Manzanal del Puerto (León) and son of a civil guard, began to speak and write Catalan. He had only been here for six months. A prodigy. In November 1913 he had ascended to heaven as archbishop of Tarragona. But the guy was very earthly and immediately did everything: words, letters, curses. At the Excursionist Congress in Tarragona he already made his speech in Catalan. At the Seminary he set up the Chair of Catalan Language and Literature. He also spoke to God in Catalan. He was not the only one.

Juli Carsalade du Pont learned Catalan when he became bishop of Perpignan in 1900. He preached and reestablished the teaching of catechism and sermons. As a mimetic shepherd, he sets an example for his flock and uses a language that, at that time, was that of the majority of Northern Catalans. One day he raised his hands and said to his clergy: "Speak, sing and pray in Catalan. The day you stop doing so, you will no longer be Catalan." And it happened. Inside and outside the churches.

On September 17, 1995, the last mass is celebrated in Monzón. This is a funeral. A priest of eternal national-Catholic Spain hands out atomic grenades in the form of leaflets: "The new diocese will give us the peace of mind of not feeling pressured by a culture foreign to our own; with the decree [of segregation] There is no habit, no winners or losers, as the defenders of the "Catalan countries" would have us believe; Lérida, due to its progressive and radical Catalanization, has ceased to be the "common home"". They have petat the bisbat of Lleida. Neix the artificial bisbat of Barbastre-Montsó. Ho annexionen tot. They have rebentat more than 8 spiritual and real conjuncts: bisbat, culture, language, people... Since there is no Catalan speaking to the churches of the Strip. The croada has begun.

The bombardment is atomic infernal incessant. The works of art of the rapinyades churches, after Sixena, neix el LAPAO... The arms industry of the odi is going to be full. convertint into a landing ramp with the arrival of important Catalan companies to make the economic transition. Replacement. The Mongrel desert is turning green with water: a miracle. The migration processes of Catalans over there have already begun. Faith is Spanish and Castilian-speaking. God has died.

La Franja, Northern Catalonia, the Valencian Community, the Balearic Islands… And now Catalonia. They have all been nuclear testing grounds. They always blow up the same thing: the language. What unites destroys. Catalan was learned through the air and was used by non-Catalan bishops and without institutions. Now it cannot be learned even with artificial or animal intelligence. It is all problems, excuses, bad vibes. We need to understand that they are destroying us and we are self-destructing. This is not a gymkhana of happiness, a festival of sympathy: this is a war. They want to exterminate us. They want to tear our tongues out. And if they could do it physically, they would. And we let them do it. We believed what cannot be believed. Nothing is free, everything costs a lot. Nothing makes us laugh, everything makes us cry. And neither will God save us nor save us. There is no faith that it is worth it. We have everything against us. We only have ourselves. It can be done. But it must be done. As a priest-businessman told me, "maybe my church-business is small, but my bell is very big." Noise and pain.
