Colau's criminal case ends: the last case against her government is dismissed.
The Supreme Court's decision to exclude Badia from the Tersa case means that there are no longer any cases against BComú councilors.

BarcelonaThe odyssey of Ada Colau's government councilors in the courts has come to an end. The Supreme Court's decision to exclude Eloi Badia from the case alleging excessive pollution from the Tersa waste incinerator in Sant Adrià de Besòs closes the last remaining case against members of Barcelona en Comú for their time in the Barcelona government. The 22 cases opened for different reasons but with the same outcome: dismissal are now behind them.
The case file includes lawsuits over superblocks, subsidies to social organizations, the suspension of relations with Tel Aviv and Israel, water management, and even the concrete blocks used in tactical urban planning. These cases have often been targeted by the mayor, but have also affected several councillors on her team, such as Bahía himself, Janet Sanz, Gala Pin, Lucía Martín, Jaume Asens, Marc Serra and Gerardo Pisarello.
In a statement, Barcelona en Comú highlighted this Wednesday that the closing of all these cases "confirms the lawfare that Ada Colau and other members of BComú have suffered from lobbyists". According to the Comunes, the judicial war has served to "generate noise and attack the image and honorability of democratic representatives", and they call for a "general reflection" on a situation that, they point out, could have influenced the 2023 election results 'Agbar against the former mayor and former councilor Eloi Badia - one for the studies on water management and another for slander -, a complaint by the employers' association Unauto for the VTC licenses and the complaint to the Prosecutor's Office for the safety of the concrete blocks that the government team installed in some parts of the E filed the complaints against Janet Sanz for the stoppages of the luxury hotels in Atarazanas and in Casa Buenos Aires, that of the real estate company MKPremium against Gala Pin for slander, that of the blog Luego, that of the former chief architect of the City Council Josep Acebillo against the superblocks or the one filed by the PP for the City Council's inaction regarding the occupation of Kubo and the Ruin.
The cases opened against the Comunes in the Court of Auditors for different reasons have also been left on paper: neither the one initiated by Ciudadanos for the minor contracts of the City Council during 2016, nor the two by Agbar to finance studies to municipalize water and for subsidies to third sector entities have reached a good state.
Contentious battles
Despite the dismissal of all cases directly against Barcelona en Comú councilors, the actions of Ada Colau's government still have a long road to the courts in the administrative dispute. This is the case of the green axis of Council of One Hundred, for example, which on its way to litigation has accumulated several opposing rulings and one in its favor. All of them have been reviewed and are awaiting a position from the High Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC).
The decision of the 14th Administrative Litigation Court to annul the reform of the Via Layetana, as well as the decision of the TSJC to annul the veto which in 2021 the Barcelona City Council imposed on the construction of a Hermitage Museum franchise on a plot of land at the new port entrance.