Police officer infiltrated pro-independence left and housing movement for two years

He had entered organisations such as the Catalan Countries Student Union and Resistim al Gòtic

BarcelonaThe Catalan Countries Student Union (SEPC) and Alerta Solidària have informed this morning that they have expelled a young man from various pro-independence taskforces and online groups, as well as housing rights campaigns, after verifying that he was an infiltrated Spanish police officer. The case, which was broken this morning the biweekly Directa, was explained this morning at a press conference in front of the University of Barcelona's historic building. Spokespeople of both organisations have explained that, after weeks of investigations, they had been able to verify that the man had been using a false identity for two years to infiltrate these circles and obtain "valuable" information. They denounce that this is a new case of "ideological political persecution", another "consequence of the State's repression".

"If the State dedicates these resources to us it means that we are on the right track," said Martí Majoral, national spokesman for Alerta Solidària, who explained that they are now assisting all movements where this person was infiltrated, which include associations in defence of the right to housing such as the Resistim al Gòtic platform and the SEPC itself. They have also announced that they will undertake all possible action to clarify "how, when and why" the operation took place, but have made it clear that they do not trust Spanish courts: "They play with marked cards".

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They have also assured that they will demand explanations in the Spanish and Catalan Parliaments (among those at the rally there were different members of the CUP). They want the Catalan Universities Department to give explanations about some "irregularities" they have detected in the university registration of the infiltrated agent and in some exam results, and they will also ask for details about why this person was identified at least once at a protest to stop an eviction and did not receive the sanction his colleagues did receive. "It is a new case of state operation against independentism", they have denounced. The national spokesperson of SEPC, Marta Daviu, has added that repression will not stop them. They understand that the alerts to detect possible moles have worked well in this case and regret the "two years of lies" this person told to reach strategic positions.

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Consulted by this newspaper, Spanish National Police spokespeople, for the moment, have not wanted to give any details about the case and assure that they are "gathering information" to be able to explain what exactly happened.