The Catalan legislature

Parliament demands Paneque's resignation over the suburban train chaos

The Catalan Chamber of Commerce is calling for the service to be free until 2026.

The Minister of Territory, Silvia Paneque, in the plenary session of the Parliament.

BarcelonaA tough defeat for Salvador Isla's government. The plenary session on commuter rail allowed the opposition to once again lash out at the executive branch over its handling of the railway chaos with a clear demand that garnered a majority in Parliament: the resignation of the Minister of Territory, Silvia Paneque, a key player in the government due to the powers she holds and through her door. In turn, the Spanish minister for the sector, Óscar Puente, also received a rebuke, sending the chamber of parliament to the Spanish government.

A diverse amalgam of the opposition has united to reach the threshold of an absolute majority to demand Paneque's dismissal. At the proposal of Junts, it also received the support of the PP, Vox, the CUP, the Catalan Alliance, and the ERC youth deputy, Mar Besses, in a communicated and consensual vote, according to sources in the parliamentary group. The reason? "Her poor management of the escalating incidents experienced in recent months" on commuter rail, according to the text. The other Republicans abstained, leaving the minister alone. They also singled out her own motion for a resolution to reprimand her, which was approved. In contrast, the PSC and Comuns were the only ones to support her.

This reprimand and call for her resignation has not been well received by the PSC. Socialist MP José Ignacio Aparicio stated that "it is neither fair nor does she deserve it" because she is "the minister who is doing the most to solve long-standing problems" and defended that "she has stood up for herself." The PSC focused on emphasizing that, beyond the reprimands, they have been able to push forward proposals regarding the rail network and the transfer with their partners in ERC and Comuns. Despite the political punishment, it is the president who has the power to dismiss, something that is not currently anticipated. Likewise, Minister Puente was also singled out, receiving the House's censure; the PP's resolution proposal was passed thanks to Junts, Vox, CUP, and Aliança Catalana, while ERC abstained because it denounced the "hypocrisy" of the Popular Party (PP).

In addition to calling on the heads of Puente and Paneque, the Parliament also called for the resignation of the presidents of Adif, Luis Pedro Marco, and Renfe, Álvaro Fernández, due to the "collapse" of the service, at the proposal of ERC, with full support except for the Socialists and Comuns, who did so. Beyond the current leaders, it also censured, at the proposal of Junts, the management of Isaías Táboas and Raül Blanco, who led Renfe between 2018 and 2025 under the PSOE. In fact, the plenary session agreed that all the problems facing the railway service today are a direct consequence of the State's "historical investment deficit," which it quantified at €50 billion, as the regional council members argued. However, the CUP's proposal to demand compensation for all the money budgeted by the State that was ultimately not spent failed. Specifically, they wanted to create a study commission to determine the real figure "after 30 years of disinvestment," but Parliament overruled them with the votes of the PSC, PP, Vox, and the abstention of the Catalan Alliance.


Where there has been agreement between the investiture partners is on the transfer: ERC and PSC have agreed on a common text, which has been validated by Comuns (Communists). It specifies that before the end of the year, "a new operator will be created to manage Cercanías de Catalunya" and that the commercial company will have a "management." Junts' proposal for a transfer without Renfe's participation has been rejected.

Regarding the transfer of infrastructure, the chamber has agreed to jointly define with the Ministry of Transport a timeline for assuming management of lines R1, R2 Sur, and R3. On the other hand, it has postponed the R4 and R16 for later, for which, however, it has requested a study to evaluate the impact of a hypothetical transfer in the future.

The plenary session also agreed to ease the financial burden on the hundreds of Catalans who travel by train every day. Initially, it approved maintaining the discounted ticket prices until the service "operates normally," with the support of all groups except the PSC (Spanish Socialist Workers' Party). Furthermore, the Catalan parliament approved extending free season tickets until the end of 2026, at the proposal of the CUP (Cup), which received only the abstention of the PSC (Spanish Socialist Workers' Party) and Vox. In any case, it has no practical effect without a government decision.


ERC MP Mar Besses was responsible for sending two warnings from Oriol Junqueras's party. "Minister, don't sleep because if you do, the legislature could derail," she snapped. She added: "If you don't demand accountability, you will be the one who will have to assume responsibility," she stated, asking that Renfe and Adif be singled out and that the transfer of the commuter rail network "gain cruising speed." Meanwhile, from Junts, the one who took aim at the Catalan government was Junts MP Montse Ortiz, who reproached the president of the Generalitat, Salvador Illa, for being "hidden" in Thursday's debate and only showing up to vote on the proposed resolutions. "In the face of your rhetoric about normality, the reality is chaos and collapse," she said. "Enough of pretending this has nothing to do with you," he stated, and defended a "comprehensive transfer" as opposed to the "precarious" transfer agreed upon by ERC, in his opinion.
