Podemos insists in a video that Spanish democracy "is not normal"
Iglesias refutes the PSOE's attempt to water down his words and points out as "anomaly" the "Colón" photo

MadridThe PSOE and Unidas Podemos continue mired in their particular struggle over whether in Spain enjoys full democratic normality or not, after the second vice president of the Spanish government, Pablo Iglesias, said on Monday to ARA that "in Spain there is not a situation of full democratic normality". The Spanish government tried to water down his words and framed them in the context of an election campaign. The Moncloa said that he was referring to the fact that democracy can always be perfected and improved. But so that the socialists could not misrepresent Iglesias's speech, Podemos launched a video in which it uses headlines, beyond the situation of prisoners and exiles, to highlight situations that they consider a democratic anomaly.
These feature ex-King Juan Carlos's departure from Spain, the High Court ruling sending Pablo Hasel to prison, proof of the existence of irregular financing of the PP, the fact that 80% of former politicians who sit on boards of Ibex-35 companies do so in businesses with a high dependence on the State or the fact that there are still mass graves from the Cilvil War that remain unopened. That is why the party wonders whether Spain has achieved "democratic normality"? In this sense, Iglesias has reaffirmed his words on Twitter, after the right asked for a public retraction. "It is two years since the Spanish right definitively joined their destinies to the far right that vindicates in parliament the terrorist governments of the dictatorship. An anomaly in all of Europe. 'Democratic normality'", attaching the famous "Colón" photo, where the centre-right parties marched together with far-right Vox.