Pedro Sánchez shows his "outright rejection of the uncivic behavior " of Juan Carlos I
Presidency Minister admits that the new tax regularization of the ex king "is not good news from an ethical point of view"

BarcelonaThe Spanish president, Pedro Sánchez, has shown his "categorical rejection of the uncivic behaviors" that are being noted in the last hours due to the fiscal regularization of Juan Carlos I. However, he wanted to show all his support to the current head of state, Felipe VI, with the same "rotundity", for the "exemplary decisions and the good use of the resources" of the son of the emeritus. Despite his "resounding rejection of the uncivic behavior" of Juan Carlos I, Sánchez has denied that he is acting in this way thanks to inaction on the part of the Tax Agency, since Juan Carlos I has been able to avoid a tax crime because there has been no complaint by the Treasury. "The professionalism and autonomy of the Tax Agency cannot be questioned at all. In this I want to be very clear in the same way that I have expressed in a resounding rejection of the uncivic behavior", he said.
The second tax regularization of the ex king is not, for Carmen Calvo, Minister for the Presidency, "good news in the sense of ethics". However, she assures that the Spanish government "cannot talk about tax records" because "they are part of the secure relations" of the citizens with the administration, but she has defended, in an interview to Canal Sur Radio, that the State has acted "with the necessary rigor" in front of " those who may be violating the obligations that we all have".
Calvo has thus assessed the second tax regularization that Juan Carlos I has made by paying four million euros to the Treasury to regularize eight million that he received between 2016 and 2018 as gifts from a foundation that also had the current monarch Felipe VI as a beneficiary. Last December, the ex king already paid the Treasury up to 678,393 euros to avoid a tax investigation on opaque credit cards. The purpose of this new payment is to avoid a possible tax offense for having defrauded an amount exceeding 120,000 euros.
Calvo has insisted that the new regularization shows that Spain "is a country that works and that holds everyone equally accountable", because "it is a democracy with a rigorous rule of law where no one can break the law". In the same line, Salvador Illa has assured that this regularization shows that the ex king "is not above the law and has to comply with his tax obligations".
On the other hand, the president of the Unidas Podemos group in Parliament, Jaume Asens, has condemned the "passivity" of the Prosecutor's Office to allow Juan Carlos I "to act above the law". "The king is doing something that most citizens cannot do", he said in a line diametrically opposed to that expressed by Calvo. Hours earlier, the second vice president of the government, Pablo Iglesias, had also been critical of this new regularization and had censured those who "applaud" the ex king in a tweet. "The question should not be why we do not applaud certain things, but why others applaud", wrote the leader of Podemos, referring to the criticism he received for not having applauded Felipe VI in the act for the 40th anniversary of the 23-F held in Parliament.
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From Ciudadanos, its leader, Inés Arrimadas, has also critiziced the conduct of the ex king, because she considers that "it is again seen that he has done utterly disappointing things", she said at a press conference from Parliament after meeting with representatives of the Mossos d'Esquadra. However, Arrimadas has highlighted "the contribution to democracy" of Juan Carlos I, but regretted his irregular situation with the public coffers.