Parliament's secretary general resigns over her son's controversial usher post
Bureau has agreed to request a report from the Anti-Fraud Office

Parliament's Secretary general Esther Andreu announced her resignation on Tuesday after weeks of controversy over the interim position of usher that her son, Jan Forner, obtained at the beginning of the month, without her informing the board of their kinship. Efe reported Andreu informed the Parliamentary Bureau this Tuesday, which met an hour and a half later than usual, after the Bureau had agreed to request an external legal report from the Anti-Fraud Office to check the selection process had been carried out correctly.
Parliament's secretary general denied in a statement having participated directly or indirectly in the staff selection process by which Forner obtained his post. "When the director of internal government, at the proposal of the Staff Council, raised the desirability of constituting a pool of ushers and a pool of parliamentary administrators, the secretary general agreed to convene a call and from that moment stated that, given her workload, she was unable to participate in the selection process, both in the drafting of the selection criteria and in the selection of candidates, as happened," she argued.