World capital of connectivity (with asterisk)

Felipe VI and Salvador Illa during the inauguration of MWC 2025.
2 min

Political control of the world today depends on control of connectivity. So the mobile phone congress is 100,000 congressmen from all over the world who come to Catalonia to meet around the technology that has the infinite and simultaneous power to connect the planet, to order our private and public lives according to new parameters and, also, indecently used, to disconnect people until they do so. And now, in addition, this technology has begun to artificially supplant us at a faster speed and with greater power than ever. Seen this way, it is as if the world from which we will not be able to escape, for better or worse, came to our house every year to explain itself. And this is very good. Just as the business that operators as different as independent taxi drivers and large hotel chains will do these days is very good.

Next year it will be twenty years since the MWC came to Barcelona, ​​and it will remain there until at least 2030, so what started out as an uncertain relationship has ended up being a stable marriage that has had the capacity to turn Barcelona into a kind of neutral capital for the discussion of the future of connectivity, with its small but growing ecosystem. And this is a success that must be acknowledged at Fira, with its balanced system of government and its diplomatic governance.

The political narrative of these days is more short-sighted. The king has visited the stand of the Generalitat and everything is proud and satisfied. Quite the opposite of what happened on the platforms of the R2 Sur commuter trains. A country like Catalonia that organises the world council of technology cannot have a commuter train service in which connectivity with the user is too often non-existent and the public service is unworthy of the name. Mr President, get your act together.
