Farmers demonstrating outside the Parliament
2 min

The Government-pagesos agreement will be good if the Government complies with the pact, but for now it is what they call onewin-win.The executive wins because, in politics, the game of perceptions is fundamental and the agreement was reached on Sunday night. Message: the Government works on a Sunday night to defuse a problem that could complicate the circulation of many people on Monday morning, it reserved a favorable headline to start the week and President Illa could say, like someone who coughs modestly to hide a success, "We have woken up with the country working and without roads cut off." Nothing less than what people expect from the rulers, that they solve the problems and do not believe us anymore.

For the farmers, the agreement is good for having called off a protest that was already planned: there is a reduction in taxes, adaptation of the law to the reality of family farms, pest control and, above all, simplification of administrative procedures.

I don't know if the administrations, both their political leaders and the civil servants, are aware of how we, the citizens, are fed up with working for them. Or perhaps they are aware of it, but they don't care, because they can always say that we are going to complain to the politician who made the regulation, and not to them, who are only in charge of complying with it. It is quite eloquent that, already in the 21st century, people complain about bureaucratic "paperwork", and that everything we are supposed to gain in technological speed we lose in a meticulous control that we must apply ourselves, while on the other side of our computer there is never any kind of clue. That is if you are lucky enough to finish and don't have to start over.
