How much should we women earn, working for Quim Morales?

'Untitled (Microphones)' from the series The Impulse, the Call, the Scream, the Dream
2 min

I read the letter published by Quim Morales completely denying the comedian Carlota Palà (Charlie Pee) in Critical (who accused him of sexual and workplace abuse). Regarding workplace treatment, she says that at the beginning of the season she "realized" that another employee was being paid more for the same work. Morales clarifies that, "the months that Joel Díaz reduced his participation in the program, the €600 per month in which his remuneration was reduced was distributed equally among the three collaborators of the program, at the rate of €200 per month. So, although Mrs. Palà earned more than one of these colleagues (5 the same amount as the other collaborators, Mr. Xavier Pérez Esquerdo and Mr. Jordi Ramoneda.

Let's talk. Readers, viewers, listeners choose what they want to read or see or listen to. And it happens that those who are most read, seen or listened to are the best paid, because they generate more money than the others. Consumers of culture are not always fair, of course, but that is the grace or misfortune. Of course, everyone who does a job should earn a minimum, but earning the same, in entertainment and in culture, is impossible, because it would be discriminatory. The collaborators of the Catalonia midday They all get paid the same, yes, but if there's one you don't like, they probably won't return next season. On the other hand, the hosts all have different salaries.

To consider it sexist that you're paid less than another because you're a woman is to not know what world you work in and to not understand the jungle of entertainment. And naturally, I don't think women should be paid less than men in writing. On the contrary. As a convinced feminist, I always demand to be paid much, much more than men.
