We read in the ARA a report on the Trumpist positioning of Aliança Catalana and Vox, despite the tariffs, which Sílvia Orriols criticized in an interview on Catalunya Ràdio, because she said that what harms businessmen and ranchers the most "are the agreements made within the European Union to compete in a totally unfair way with third world countries."
It must be said, to begin with, that the tariffs are a disaster for Catalan wine. There are many Catalan wineries, many, that come there more than here (we should also take a look at that). Trump, by the way, has interests in the world of wine, he is the owner of a winery (where I suppose he grows the new Cabronet Subidon variety). And to continue, it must also be said that the other issue is also a disaster. A tomato from a "third world" country, as she puts it, grown with pesticides banned in the European Union, arrives by boat to Murcia. There, a label is placed on it saying that it comes from Murcia, which is not entirely a lie, and it travels to our supermarkets, with the papers in order, at an unbeatable price and the masterful touch of the banned pesticide. Trump, like Orriols, has a great nose for detecting where the malaise is. The recipe for that malaise is another thing. Often, the side effects make it unviable.
I say this because you can immediately see if a politician goes to the theatre or if he has never gone, if he does sport or not, if he reads or not. And you see them, of course, if they cook and go shopping at the market (outside of campaigning). Among the leftists (especially "the women") everything that has to do with food seems (for historical reasons) sexist and right-wing. What I mean by this is that we cannot allow ourselves to abandon the peasantry to whoever wants to collect it, because once again the winner does so because of the failure of the rival to appear.