A young man of 21 years denounces a homophobic assault in Valencia
The attack was allegedly committed on Saturday night and the victim has bruises and swollen lips

ValenciaThe Ministry of Equality and Inclusive Policies of the Valencian Country has confirmed to ARA that it is providing legal and psychological assistance to a 21-year-old man who has reported a homophobic attack in Valencia. The attack would have occurred on Saturday night on Avenida Blasco Ibáñez, as has explained this Tuesday the newspaper La Marea. According to the victim's account, the aggression took place after a group of young men approached him and his gang of friends and asked them if they were carrying money. The victim's reply was reportedly: "I don't have any money, but I have a nice arse". The 21-year-old's words are said to have annoyed the attackers, who, as he explains, assaulted the victim and another young friend of his, also gay, with blows and homophobic insults and stole his mobile phone. As a result of the assault, the victim suffers bruises on his body and has swollen lips.
The attack is said to have taken place just a week after a minor reported a homophobic attack in a nearby area of Valencia. It also coincided with the death of a 24-year-old man in La Coruña, allegedly the victim of another homophobic attack.