This is the 2026 work calendar in Catalonia.
There will only be one long weekend during Easter.

The working calendar for next year in Catalonia leaves 2026 with few long holidays. The Department of Business and Labor has approved the calendar of working holidays for next year throughout the country, to which municipalities can add two local holidays. In total, there will be 12 holidays on the working calendar, as December 6th, Constitution Day, falls on a Sunday this year.
The approval came after the most representative social and economic stakeholders (CCOO, UGT, Foment, and PIMEC), within the framework of the Labor Relations Council, were informed of the proposed calendar and approved it. Thus, the following days will be public holidays in Catalonia:
- January 1st, Thursday
- January 6, Tuesday
- April 3, Friday
- April 6, Monday
- May 1st, Friday
- June 24, Wednesday
- August 15, Saturday
- September 11, Friday
- October 12, Monday
- December 8th, Tuesday
- December 25th, Friday
- December 26, Saturday
Thus, after New Year's Eve and the Epiphany, there will be no further working days until Friday, April 3rd, and Monday, April 6th, when Holy Week will be celebrated. This will be the only long weekend allowed next year. After Easter, Labor Day on May 1st will allow for a long weekend, as it falls on a Friday.
Saint John's Day cuts short the week by falling on a Wednesday, and August 15th, the Assumption Day, falls on a Saturday. The National Day of Catalonia on September 11th will also allow for a long weekend, as will Hispanic Day on October 12th, which, falling on a Monday, will allow for a longer Sunday. Finally, the Immaculate Conception long weekend will be light, with Constitution Day on Sunday and Conception Day on Tuesday.
To these must be added the local festivals of each municipality, which is allowed to add two holidays.
In the territory of Aran, in accordance with decree 152/1997, of June 25, and decree 146/1998, of June 23, which modify decree 177/1980, of October 3, on the calendar of fixed and supplemented festivals (Aran Festival), Wednesdays.