The cousins from 'Just Like It Was Yesterday'

One of the most delirious plots of the last months of the As if it were yesterday It is, without a doubt, that of the cousins, Lidia and Gina, involved with the same lover and con man of women. Introducing into the story a character of those that the media calls "love swindler" is not bad, basically because we have been able to see in the news and in reports how these individuals exist and often get away with it. Constructing the story in duplicate has already been something daring, but then the series has ended up doomed to Turkification. It's all been so exaggerated, forced and melodramatic that As if it were yesterday It already seems like an over-the-top Turkish soap opera. First, the cousins' rivalry over the inheritance, and then Lidia's unprecedented and surreal seduction of Gina's husband. We deduce that the trick served to provide an escape route for Jordi, who has disappeared (temporarily?) from the series. Then, both women recommended a dating app to each other and made a strange pact: they decided not to talk to each other about their romantic relationships, given their tendency to be attracted to the same type of man. Strange. From then on, we entered the dynamic of the romantic scammer playing out in parallel, as he deceived them and obtained duplicate transfers. The discovery of the farce already had the air of a soap opera with Lidia fainting in the middle of the street. Chapter by chapter, things degenerated further and further. The Mossos d'Esquadra (Catalan police) planned to use Marta as decoy to catch the scammer. caught red-handed It was already quite implausible. The Mossos d'Esquadra, by the way, are coming across as inept. They organize a reckless trap to arrest the swindler, but he ultimately escapes in the middle of the street because the cousins, in a state of hysteria worthy of a bad José Mota sketch, attack the thief with bags while the police try to take him to the station. Not to mention the failure and apathy of the Mossos d'Esquadra in the case of the drug-dealing bar where minors are used. Continuing with the cousins, the sad role of these two female characters is alarming. And especially that of Gina, who has more narrative scope in the series, yet has ended up in a role that doesn't fit her character's character. It's already clear that the threats and chases through the streets were meant to add some suspense and action to the show. As if it were yesterday, which from time to time needs a bit of a shake-up to avoid falling into the usual boredom. But the final absurdity was confirmed in the final minutes of this Friday's episode. That last-minute twist was the height of absurdity. Rather than stimulating the viewer's unease or empathy, what it does is drag them into mockery and fuss. The plot degenerates into the level of the most histrionic soap operas. With the plot of the cousins of As if it were yesterday have dragged the viewer into hate-watching, where you get hooked on the series to laugh at the script's sloppiness. Or maybe that's what it's all about...