
Celia España: "Since I started exercising, I've been more indulgent with wine."

Content creator

Celia España in a file photo.
3 min

How was your first contact with the world of wine?

— I think it was quite a while ago, almost after I finished college. It's true that my father likes wine, and it's a world that really interests him, but it wasn't until I was older that it caught my attention. I wanted to learn about the imagery surrounding wine and be able to participate in conversations and accompany meals, even if it's just for a couple of sips, but I feel like it rounds out a meal.

By "sips," I understand that you don't usually drink large amounts.

— No, no. I think wine goes well with it, and in my case, even a little bit is enough to lift my spirits, but with one glass I'm already completely satisfied.

Does this moderation in drinking wine have to do with sports practice?

— Well, contrary to what you might think, since I started exercising, I've been more indulgent with wine. The change also stems from the fact that I didn't drink anything before, but precisely through the process of getting to know my body and monitoring its performance, I've been able to see that wine in moderation, along with a balanced and active lifestyle, isn't harmful. In the end, it's all about balance, because often when we forbid ourselves from a food, it can end up triggering a rebound effect and also be harmful.

To record the programInspired And finally, running the New York Marathon, did they ban you from wine?

— I wasn't strictly forbidden to do so, but it's true that it's strongly recommended not to drink alcohol before strenuous physical exertion because it dehydrates. Obviously, I never drink alcohol before a race, and ideally, I shouldn't drink it afterward either, because your body needs to recover. But for me, exercising means learning to listen to what your body is telling you; therefore, any prohibitions should be made with common sense.

Beyond your focus on sports, you also collaborate with various brands. Have you ever collaborated with any wineries?

— I was recently approached to make a video for a Catalan winery, and I've been preparing the script these days. Just today, I was thinking about how to promote wine, both because it's a world I'm not familiar with, and also because of the message I'm sending by promoting an alcoholic product. This isn't the first time I've been in this situation, both with wine and with promoting beer. Previous times, I've come to the conclusion that whether I promote it or not, people will continue to consume it. In any case, I'd like to influence how people consume it, to be responsible and moderate. Ultimately, it's a gastronomic product. If it's from this perspective, then I feel comfortable spreading this message.

How does a meeting with wine differ from ordering beer?

— You're right that it's quite different. I think it brings a calming atmosphere and a more relaxed atmosphere. Perhaps also because I know that wine rises in me more quickly and because I can taste it more, therefore, it makes me drink more slowly. I think it's very important to know the history, because it greatly changes the way you drink things, and I'm a bit of a mystic. But like with wine, it also happens everywhere I go. I like to know where things come from, because in the end, that's what makes them meaningful.

Your partner is from San Sadurní de Anoia. Have you mastered the world of cava yet?

— Well, not yet, but cava truly encompasses everything linked to Sant Sadurní. The other day I went to a party there, and the cava seemed endless, and quite a few people around me were telling me they had their own production. I find it fascinating that people my age have started making their own sparkling wine. They encouraged me to try it, with the corresponding explanation, and I realized there was a whole universe I didn't know about. Plus, I feel that when you know the family history behind each bottle, everything takes on a different meaning.

One of the rituals when drinking wine is the toast. Do you remember any special ones?

— Maybe what I did for my birthday. I usually have a hard time saying I love someone because I'm embarrassed. But a few weeks ago, when we were celebrating my birthday, I toasted and said openly that I loved my whole family and was excited to have them all together. It was a very special moment for me.
