Antoni Bassas' analysis: 'A week like always: disaster in the commuter trains and against Catalan'

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Every week leaves a scent when it ends. This Friday we heard the warlike notes of the European Union mobilizing 800 billion euros to rearm ourselves against Russia and Putin reminding Macron that the invasion that Napoleon attempted in Russia in 1812 ended badly for France.

The week has also left us with the floral notes of La Caixa and Criteria return to their headquarters in Catalonia, from where it should never have left. It is a partial refrain, we already commented on it yesterday, because CaixaBank has not returned. But it is very relevant news, because Caixa continues to be more than a bank, and today, for example, The Country headlines an editorial saying "La Caixa: end of the 'process'". They almost got away with it.

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But the week has left a couple of classic fragrances. One is Cercanías: some works had been finished that were supposed to put an end to the problems. It has been the other way around: more problems than ever. The Government has called a daily incident control meetingThey would be better off if they formed a permanent assembly. This morning, there was a lack of tension on the catenary of the R2 commuter train in Hospitalet de Llobregat. Older people were jumping onto the tracks because there was no air inside the carriages. Adif knows a lot about making brand new high-speed trains, because nothing bothers you when you pass through where there was nothing, but when it has to manage existing lines in dense areas, it fails spectacularly and destroys the daily life of thousands of passengers.

And the other classic fragrance is the aversion to Catalan in Spanish political culture. We have seen this with the PSOE-Juntos pact on immigration. Junts has been called racist by the Spanish left, and Sánchez has been a traitor from his own party to the right and the far right, if you will pardon the redundancy. But what has scandalised them most is not that the Mossos can ask for their passport at the border, but that Catalan is a requirement to obtain a residence permit, an issue that is not clear in the pact.

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Of course the great language scandal has been experienced in Valencia with the consultation with parents on whether they wanted Valencian or CastilianIt is a way for the PP to say that the language can be voted on, that it is debatable. It is another attempt to belittle Valencian, to turn it into a problem, into a hindrance, for fear of discovering the truth, which is the Catalan of Valencia, so that Valencia can continue to be the beach of Madrid, in the literal and figurative sense.

Good morning.