Israel's victory on the battlefield of the story

2 min

As a war progresses and the winner consolidates its position, it also manages to modify its narrative and impose its macro vision. Israel consummates its genocide before the tired eyes of readers, who, due to the sinister effect of the incessant wheel of current events, end up devoting their attention to other, often more pleasant, news areas. And what at the beginning of the conflict seemed extreme, is now covered with the tedious patina of normality. This explains, for example, headlines like this one from The Spectator: "The Israeli army has withdrawn from southern Lebanon, except for five strategic points." It is pure Groucho-Marxist logic: everything about you reminds me of you, except you. Israel is not withdrawing from the small country because it maintains troops in five places, which are also strategic, but the headline turns the meaning of it all upside down. And it is not just a matter of assuming the point of view. New York Times, on the same text, headlined: "Israel assures that it will maintain troops "temporarily" in five points of Lebanon." The phrase is a euphemism, since maintaining troops, even if it is a temporary measure, is still an occupation of a sovereign country. This Chinese drop falls on the reader's subconscious and, in the end, the story of the victor ends up penetrating the consciousness, even of the scribes.

A man wounded by Israeli troops in southern Lebanon. EFE

Clarification on Bea Talegón

In one Stop machines Previously, it was recorded as a holder ofThe World where it was reported that Bea Talegón had been convicted of defamation. However, the affected party took the case to the Supreme Court, which revoked the sentence initially imposed by the court of first instance. It is fair to record this update, since that sentence was no longer in effect.
