Vocational Training

The vocational training degrees with the highest (and lowest) cut-off marks

The most requested cycles are those of nursing assistant, pharmacy and health emergencies

A student in a vocational training course in mechanics at the La Salle center in La Seu d'Urgell
2 min

BarcelonaSince last year, vocational training (VT) degree places have been assigned in order of applicants' grades. However, until this Wednesday, prospective students of these courses had no way of knowing—other than word of mouth—what grade they would need to enter the intermediate or advanced degree they desired. But this Wednesday, as reported by the ARA, The Ministry of Education has published the cut-off marks for all vocational training levels. from Catalonia through a search engine that allows you to filter by access score, territory, cycle, shift, and center.

In this way, the search engine shows how the highest cut-off marks are those for health cycles. In the case of students coming from ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education) or a basic degree (80% of applicants), the degrees with the highest marks are nursing auxiliary care in Igualada (7.43) and in Sabadell (7.34), both in the morning shift. They are followed by pharmacy and parapharmacy and health emergencies, both in Sabadell and in the morning shift and with 7.32 and 7.31 respectively. Among the cycles with the highest cut-off marks are also the chemical plant degree in Tarragona (7.11) or the video disc jockey and sound degree in Barcelona—one of the most sought-after cycles, but with fewer professional opportunities—which has a cut-off mark of 7.03.

If we look at the cycles that have taken place in recent years better job placement, but less demand, we see how the cut-off mark for the intermediate degree in carpentry and furniture is between 5 and 6.1 depending on which of the seven institutes offering this training in Catalonia is chosen. The mark required to enter an intermediate degree in water treatment plants and networks is lower, ranging from 5 to 5.48, and is even lower for the degree in services and catering, which is offered in thirteen centers across the country, all of which have a cut-off mark of 5.

On the contrary, if we look at the video disc-jockey and sound training program in Barcelona—where in Catalonia less than 20% of the institutes offering it have a cut-off mark above 6. The same applies to the guidance program in over 21%. However, in this case, the cut-off marks range from 5 in ten centers to almost 7 in five institutes spread across the country.

At half a thousand degrees you can enter with a 5

Beyond the degrees with the highest cut-off marks, according to the search engine launched this Wednesday, almost half of the degrees offered at the various vocational training centers in Catalonia have a cut-off mark of 5.
