The population in favour of vaccination against covid has increased to 83%
65.4% of respondents call for tougher restrictions and one in four believe that the worst is yet to come

MadridAs the vaccination campaign progresses in the State, the percentage of people willing to be vaccinated against coronavirus also increases. >Whilst last November, when the arrival of the first vaccine was just a promise, only one out of three Spaniards was willing to get vaccinated, in the latest poll by the Centre for Sociological Research (CIS) this percentage has risen to 82.9%. In a month, in fact, the amount of people in favor of immediate inoculation has increased in 10.4 percentage points - in January it stood 72.5%.
The survey, carried out between February 3 and 11, shows a sharp decline in those opposed to the administration of the vaccine: 6.5% compared to 16.5% in January. The main reason for not getting vaccinated when it is their turn is that they "do not trust" the drugs - 31.12% - while 18.5% allude to fear of side effects.
On the need or not to implement more restrictions to deal with the pandemic, 65.4% believe that they would have to be tightened, while 9% believe that they should maintain the current restrictions. A further 6.6% believe that it would be necessary to anticipate the waves earlier and to propose more effective and well-planned restrictions. Only 2% believe that those who violate the restrictions should be punished more harshly.
The main problem: the economic crisis
The survey also shows a rather pessimistic society despite the vaccination campaign. Almost half of those surveyed believe that "we are still in the worst moment" of the pandemic, despite the messages of optimism launched from the Spanish government, and one in four (24.5%) believes that the worst is yet to come.
The economic crisis, in fact, has already displaced the coronavirus as the main problem for 45% of respondents, who place second on the list of concerns covid-19 and the lack of resources to deal with the pandemic, with 43.7%. Unemployment remains the third most serious problem, with 27.9%, followed by "political problems in general", with 16.8%, and the "bad behaviour of politicians", with 16.3%.