CIS poll puts Sánchez back ahead of Feijóo
PSOE ahead of PP by seven tenths while Unidas Podemos stays ahead of Vox

Pedro Sánchez's shift to the left is working in the polls. The CIS poll has put PSOE back ahead of the PP in vote share after being overtaken by Núñez Feijóo's party in July. According to the survey, the Socialists would obtain 29.2% of the votes to the PP's 28.5%. With such a small difference, we can speak of a technical tie. Below the two main parties, there is also good news for the left: far left United Podemos (12.8%) remains ahead of far right Vox (10.3%). The drop of the far right is very substantial, since only a month ago they were at 12% and in the the 2019 elections they got 15.2%.
With these results, the right-wing bloc is behind the left-wing block, even after adding the 2.8% of the vote Ciudadanos secured, which with these results could fail to secure any seats. As for the Catalan parties, ERC suffers a strong drop, since it goes from 2.9% to 2.4%, but still remains far ahead of JxCat, which polls at 1.4%.