Ayuso takes the clash with the "resentful" victims of covid in nursing homes to the limit
The Attorney General will review the reported cases one by one while the Madrid president insults the families

MadridThe tension between Isabel Díaz Ayuso and the Attorney General of the State, Álvaro García Ortiz, is escalating even further. The president of the Community of Madrid has managed to have the highest official in the public ministry charged for the leak of an email from her partner, the businessman Alberto González Amador, in which he admitted to having committed two tax crimes, and now the Prosecutor's Office is returning - in some way - with an exhaustive investigation of all cases of deaths in nursing homes. In his appearance in the Senate this Tuesday, García Ortiz announced that the Madrid Prosecutor's Office is reviewing one by one the complaints that the relatives presented in a collective judicial initiative on October 31.
This announcement comes in the midst of a clash between Ayuso and her chief of staff, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez (MÁR), with the victims' associations. The most relevant are Mareas de Residencias and Asociación Verdad y Justicia para las Víctimas en Residencias, which are the ones that presented the collective complaint. This weekend from Galicia, the Madrid president described these relatives as "resentful" and "activists", words that have scandalized the Spanish government. "48 hours have passed and Ayuso has still not apologized to the 7,291 victims," stressed this Tuesday the spokesperson for Moncloa, Pilar Alegría, in the press conference after the council of ministers. She did not stop there: she also charged against Miguel Ángel Rodríguez (MÁR). "Her way of doing politics based on lies and indecency fits Díaz Ayuso like a glove," he added.
Alegría was referring to the mistake made by the Madrid president's chief of staff this weekend. In a tweet to X, which he has not deleted, he said: "Well: I have already verified that the first lady who appears on #LodeSimon [this Sunday's program] is a woman who is in a position to be the president of the Madrid region." The thing about Évole] did not have his mother in any residence in the Community of Madrid. Let's see the rest." Shortly after, he had to rectify: "I confirm that the first witness of Évole's program is the daughter of a deceased. I apologize for the error." This Tuesday, asked if the Puerta del Sol government would contact the associations to meet with him and apologize, MÁR replied that it would not and that "they are the ones who have been calling [Ayuso] "murderer" for years"
"Enough lies and poisoning. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez must resign," the association Verdad y Justicia demanded in a tweet on Monday. The victims continue to demand some kind of compensation for the so-called "protocols of shame": basically the failure to refer people to hospitals and the denial of assistance to 80% of residents during the pandemic as a result of their moderate or severe dependency. 109 relatives of 115 people who lived in Madrid residences in March 2020 filed a collective complaint and in some cases they have been shelved. In fact, MÁR celebrated this Tuesday the dismissal of an investigation into the murder of six residents.
García Ortiz reported in the Senate that on January 27 he met with the prosecutors in charge of the case and that proceedings are being initiated to check whether the facts have already been investigated and, if so, that all the necessary proceedings have been carried out. In cases where no criminal proceedings have been opened, the Prosecutor's Office has initiated proceedings to open investigations as soon as possible "to avoid the statute of limitations for the reported events," explained the Attorney General of the State. "In all cases, the resolution issued will be personally notified to the complainants and relatives of the victims," he added.