60% of Catalans want an agreed solution to the Independence Bid
No to independence (48%) remains above yes (44%)

BarcelonaNo to independence (48%) remains above yes (44%) in the latest Barometer of the Centre d'Estudis d'Opinió (CEO), which has increased its questions on the subject. For example, to determine what support for an agreed solution is, either to achieve an independent state or to remain within Spain. 60% of Catalans prefer this option: half of them hope to build an independent Catalonia and the other half for Catalonia to remain part of Spain. Only 11% of those in favour of independence defend unilateralism, while 9% of the unionists consider that there should not be any negotiation.
A few weeks ago CEO published a survey with a different picture regarding the level of support for independence. Then 'no' was also ahead but reached its maximum since records began in 2014. "We consider that the polls are comparable to other similar polls, which is where methodological homogeneity is maintained," explained CEO director Jordi Muñoz. The previous survey asked on a variety of issues and Muñoz explained that "the fact that it was not a political survey, that it was done in a different context, that it was designed for all residents in Catalonia and not only for those who have the right to vote", can have a decisive influence. "Since the spring of 2019 the situation has remained stable," he reflected.