"Thank you, God, for President Trump." The US Minister of Urban Planning thus opened the first meeting of the new government with music accompanying the whole troop. If I were a believer, I would consider it blasphemy. In any case, it is a miserable declaration in honour of a character who believes he has the right to everything. He has come to power by the hand of God: he is untouchable. And whoever dares to question him will be eternally marked. In the most advanced country in terms of economic and technological development, the presumed vanguard of humanity, it is still possible to treat citizens as creatures and appeal to the mysticism of a superior entity to subject them to the whims of those who feel they own the world.
At this time in the history of humanity, even in the most advanced societies, attempts are still being made to trap people with appeals that are inappropriate for any idea of civilized coexistence. I have the support of God, who gives me the right to do whatever I want. My action is above the scrutiny of the majority. These are the clowns of this character that the techno-caste has brought to power as the first imperial power, who appeals to theological legitimacy precisely to proclaim his right to absolute impunity. A setback that places him squarely in the repertoire of the most delirious authoritarian figures: absolute power, commissioned by God. That is, beyond human scrutiny.
We can take it as a sarcasm, but we cannot avoid the evidence of his polluting power, which brings spectacles that should shame us all. Trump's response to the destruction of Gaza by the Israeli army is another expression of the delirium in which he lives. These days a video is circulating with impunity that, even if it is made with AI, is the culmination of indecency. Gaza has become the paradise of Trumpism, the scene of the most shameful frivolity of the tacky people of wealth. With Trump and Netanyahu happily sunbathing on the beach and Musk making his usual display of authoritarian infantilism. It is so indecorous that one might think it is a video made as a mockery to ridicule the character. Well no, it is Trump who has promoted him. In this unconsciousness lies hope: a character who publicizes his indecency and does the work of his adversaries, recording the radical insensitivity of a mentality embraced by the arrogance of someone who believes himself omnipotent.
The latest episode, the booing of Zelensky, has already put him beyond all limits. Fortunately, Trump continues to inject us with vaccines that protect us from the risk of ending up finding his pathetic exhibitionism normal. But let us keep in mind that Trump will fall and those who are using him will continue. Looking at the president, let us not lose sight of his promoters. They are the ones who set the pace.