I look at the images of a demonstration of girls wrapped up in a veil because they want to go to school with an Islamic headscarf. The banners say: "Don't make us choose between our religion and our education."

I always try to be a good feminist, but with the mess we have, I can't even be a proper woman. What used to be a cool girl and an objectified woman (like showing off her cleavage) is now empowerment, and what used to be submission to the male, like wearing a headscarf to avoid showing off her sinful hair, is now feminism. Manolo Escobar sang "I don't like it when you go to the bullfights in a miniskirt", and now this could not be sung, because it would be considered sexist, but if I sang "How I like it when you take off my covered head"It would be progressist.

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These noies that proclaim the seu dret a dur mocador have raó. El tenen, aquest dret. Ho fan porquè seva religion ho demandix. But per quina raó ho demandix? Per quina raó, one day, so far as I know, the prophet is going to decide that they cannot show their hair? I would say that I am not wrong if he said that it is for the reasons of all the religions that "cover" the gifts. The dona is the sin, it excites the mascle, and per això, if the public life (poca), it has to be covered

Fa many segles, someone will decide that the long hairs of the gifts are erotic and, therefore, must be. cover up decide this, so many centuries ago, would there be students, taxi drivers, teachers and urologists? Sommeliers, gymnasts, presidents?

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The kids I met studied by the wind, if you can say that. But they didn't swim, they didn't go to summer camps and they didn't go to sleepovers. Studying is doing geography, but studying is also doing swimming. The problem is whether they can, above all, devote themselves to leisure activities.