1. If we talk In terms of the general interest, it seems obvious that it would be time to rebuild the social contract in the context of digital and climate transformation. And yet things are going in the opposite direction. The Trump spectacle is transparent. No one can plead ignorance: the extreme right, capitalising on the discontent of citizens, is offering itself to the new economic powers that emanate from the digitalisation of the world to govern in an authoritarian manner – outside of democratic values – societies in the phase of losing references. And with an unequivocal will to intervene everywhere, as demonstrated by the grotesque proposal that the United States occupy Gaza to make it a tourist destination. The loss of the notion of limits is the starting point of every totalitarian project. The impunity with which it is expressed could lead one to think that it is a delirium typical of a noise destined to fade away. But the reality is that the reactionary wave is spreading throughout Europe. And every day it gains ground in recognition and complicity.
The final statement of the Patriots meeting that brought together the visible heads of the European far right in Madrid is unequivocal. The objective? To end the global dictatorship of the European Union that "tramples on sovereignty, imposes ideology and is trying to destroy it." woke, confiscatory taxes and climate fanaticism". A declaration of principles that is not to be missed: as predictable - these people are fixed-minded and have no imagination for surprises - as it is disturbing. Here we have them: displaying their arrogance in the midst of the clamorous silence of the liberal-conservative right, increasingly hidden. manifestos - that are seducing their own parishes. Abascal exhibiting himself with the main European figures of this war and the PP in silence with the insecurity of what it fears of being exposed and feels without the strength to mark distances, to the extent that it depends on their company to govern in Spain.
Feijóo, instead of establishing his own profile and transmitting a sense of solvency (making it clear that it will be Vox who must submit to the PP and not vice versa), continues with his litany of jokes and reproaches against Sánchez, without the slightest sign of responding to the reactionary challenge. So the only substantiated truth is that they are already partners. And what seems relevant is that Feijóo feels this way (and it is perfectly predictable that he will continue to do so) and does not set the path and let Abascal get away with it with complete impunity.
2. By default, discretion Feijóo confirms that he is counting on Vox, and that he is not in a position to set a price for the hypothetical alliance, it is Abascal who will set the demands. And for the moment there is nothing: radicalisation and a European framework as an existential space. But this adaptive attitude of the right has a high risk. As is already being seen in the surrounding countries: the fear of the right to bother the extreme right, the refusal to mark distances and stand up to it, to show that they do not need it at all and that without it they would govern better, contributes to strengthening it. And we have in sight flagrant examples of the price of not fighting it. In France, without going too far, RN (National Regrouping) has been surpassing the traditional right for some time now and has sent Macron to the corner of a long end of mandate that will depend on Marine Le Pen's calculations.
There is always hope, which is the natural tendency of these extremist groups to lose themselves in internal battles. And in fact, Abascal is the survivor of a flight from significant positions, which, for the moment, has had no visible effects. In authoritarian systems, purges are part of the pleasures of untouchable leaders.
In any case, the Spanish right – like most of the right – is now conditioned by Vox, a party with which it will have to accommodate itself. And it will not be easy. Because the alliance with Vox makes it impossible to count on the support of the intermediate parties – Juntos and the PNV – and because with Feijóo on the defensive, avoiding getting too wet to save the votes that may escape from each side, it could be Vox that ends up riding the PP horse. It is the sign of the times.