Mr President, will normalisation be extended to Catalan?

The president of the Generalitat, Salvador Illa, at the 15th Congress of the PSPV-PSOE in Valencia on January 31.
2 min

The figures of theLanguage Usage Survey They confirm that Catalan continues to deepen its well-known and great problem of survival, which is the sum of all kinds of historical, demographic, economic and legal problems that have been sufficiently diagnosed, so let us focus on the solutions.

To begin with, there are signs that confirm what Carme Junyent said, that those from outside can save Catalan. The number of speakers and people who know it has increased. And two million residents in Catalonia say they want to learn it. These are fundamental data, given how we have a plummeting birth rate. The intergenerational transmission of the language has not been interrupted, which is an almost impossible turning point, but it is decreasing, because Catalan is the first language of fewer and fewer speakers.

So we are touching a bone. Either Catalan is essential to earn a living in most jobs in Catalonia or we will always depend on the good will of the speakers. Either Catalan is as obligatory as Castilian or we will continue to play at a disadvantage.

And that is where the Government and the parties in the Parliament come in. President Isla, what do you intend to do with these figures? Are you worried? We have not heard much from you on this issue. If you are not willing to move towards the legal equalisation of the language of Catalonia with Castilian, you at least have the obligation to make the maximum effort so that, between us all, we can ensure that the survey in five years gives better results. Where is the money and resources to ensure that everyone who wants to learn Catalan can do so? And that teaching in Catalan is real at all educational stages? Or is it that normalisation is for everything, except for the language?
