I'd heard of the wage gap, the digital gap, and the gender gap, of course. But I haven't heard of the orgasm gap yet. I see I now have another reason to complain (as long as women in general), because a study that appeared in the publicationJournal of Social and Personal Relationshipstells us that “women who have sex with men tend to have fewer orgasms than men” and suggests that this is because men (those selfish, hairy devils) “tend to focus on their own orgasm and feel they have the support of their partners in achieving it” while women (these softer angels) “ab deny.” They call this the “orgasm pursuit gap.”
I honestly would have said it was the other way around, but don’t take my word for it. It seemed to me that the trend was for females—at least the daughters of the movement hippie– were from the multi-orgasmic group. On the other hand – but don't take my advice, either – I also thought that men with one orgasm per stroke – two, if they had beaten Barça – were already having a great time. Focusing on the other's pleasure is often an act of self-pleasure. Besides, these days it's unforgivable to behave like a "starfish" and let it happen. But, of course, at the same time, for men and women I think it's impossible not to "focus on one's own pleasure" at a certain point. The point that the legendary sexologist Bolinches calls (and I love the way he says it) "the ejaculatory point of no return." Why, in this study, do they only focus on heterosexual and monogamous relationships? In a couple of women, can't one be focused on the other's pleasure? Is it relevant for one to have more orgasms? And in a couple of men?
The study concludes that the discovery "helps explain why women experience fewer orgasms and, overall, less sexual satisfaction in heterosexual relationships." I don't know if the study's authors are inviting us all to something.