Silvia Orriols, at the Barcelona rally
1 min

I find it difficult to understand what the pro-independence parties are asking for regarding immigration, and at the same time I understand it very well, because it is very difficult. I understand that they want regulation, because we need it in every area of life, such as universities, traffic, work and food. In no area would we allow the law of the Wild West to flourish, as we have allowed it to happen in this regard. New laws need to be made for new challenges. It is clear that today, in the driving licence exam – which I am taking – there are questions about mobile phones and driver assistance systems, using cameras, which did not exist when you studied. Adapting is smart.

Having said that, I understand that you should not hide your head in the sand, that the Catalan language depends – entirely – on the will or contempt or obligation of those who arrive (and language is fundamental), that there is a large number of young students who are unhappy with the system (which uses the system) with the newcomers, with whom they live. I understand that those who speak of of mixed race and charneguism He is talking about a globality that never endangers the Castilian language and culture. Hiding this is death.

But I don't understand the pro-independence parties (despite understanding their motivations, which are survival). Alianza asks for full power to legislate. Juntos, thinking about the votes, asks for more or less the same. And when they talk about expulsion, what are they talking about? What is the mental framework of expulsion? Spain? I don't think they want and can expel them from Catalonia. They want to expel them from Spain. It seems consistent with their ideas but it doesn't seem pro-independence to me.
