I do not provide credit (or liquidity funds)

First Vice President and Minister of Finance Maria Jesús Montero at the Senate plenary session on Tuesday.
2 min

The PSOE, with Esquerra, had agreed to forgive, in Catalonia, a part of the autonomous liquidity fund, the FLA, which is one of the things that had us complaining –I think rightly– at the time when we were asking for independence. It is about "forgiving" part of a credit that the State granted to the autonomous regions because, at least in the Catalan case, it does not pay the money in arrears that it owes. It is perverse, yes.

Together they find that this pact "is a shirt-lifting" and returning to the "coffee for everyone"The PP have already explained in a pathetic video (they will never have the grace of their colleagues on the right, spreading shit) how many schools and how many I don't know what could be done with that money"of the independence movement", as if in Catalonia, precisely, schools were not needed, and as if the other communities, such as Andalusia, were not also forgiven that money. The Comuns find it good, but consider that it is money that "must be allocated to housing." I would say that I do not give credit, but perhaps I should say that I do not give liquid funds.

Are they crumbs? Without a doubt. Fish in caveYes. With one difference. Before, whoever gave it to him, this one fish in the horn, in Convergència, was the PP. And it is coffee for everyone? Yes, and so what? And they will be used –it's four duros– for whatever is considered, right? None of those politicians who complain, protest, dictate and sentence don't take the Cercanías every day, they are waiting for the CAP to notify them to have an MRI, they don't have financial problems to get braces for their children's teeth, or their own, now that they have –finally– got the house to say good morning, they don't have to worry about paying for summer camp. Surely they can go to the theatre and have dinner twice a month. I would love to see the world through their eyes. I want to live like them, taking money from someone else's ATM, because it doesn't come from the four euro commission.
