
The poet Andrés Sánchez Robayna, translator into Spanish of Espriu and Brossa, dies.

He studied at the University of Barcelona in the 70s and forged a great relationship with the city and its artists.

and ARA

BarcelonaThe Canarian poet, essayist, and translator Andrés Sánchez Robaina has died at the age of 72 in Tenerife, where he created a vast and unorthodox poetic and intellectual oeuvre connected to Barcelona and the world. He was a professor at the University of La Laguna, a teacher, editor, essayist, and director of literary magazines such as Literature (Barcelona, ​​​​1976) and Syntax (Tenerife, 1983-1993).

In the 1970s he studied Hispanic Philology at the University of Barcelona, ​​​​where he obtained his doctorate, which led him to forge a great friendship with the city and its artists, some of whom he would later study as an essayist, such as Antoni Tàpies. He received the National Translation Prize in 1982 for his version of the complete poetry of Salvador Espriu. He also translated Joan Brossa, Josep Palau i Fabre and Ramón Xirau into Spanish, as well as other names, such as Paul Valéry and William Wordsworth.

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He leaves behind an extensive poetic work, the result of fifty years of production, with titles such as The rock (1984), Critics' Prize. His poetry was recently collected in In the body of the world (1970-2022) by Galaxia Gutenberg in 2023. His extensive bibliography contains essays ranging from the Golden Age to contemporary art, from Canarian cultural studies to literary workshops, and also several diaries.

The rector of the University of Laguna, Francisco García, lamented the passing of "one of the most versatile and international intellectuals of the Canary Islands." "He leaves a trail of disciples who will honor his legacy in the orphanhood left by the great masters," he added.