
Ten tricks to win the pre-registration lottery

Open day at a school in a file image
2 min

BarcelonaBetween the Gordo de Fin de Año and the Gordo de Sant Jordi there is a draw that will surely affect you if you have children: the Loto Preinscripción. We give you 10 tips:

  • Relax. If we make decisions about buying a flat or a car, even more so when choosing a school. But don't get caught up in the loop of "If I make a mistake, how will my mistake affect my child's future?"
  • Interest... and good manners: Go to open houses remembering that it's like going to a party in a house you don't know, where you don't normally question the hosts about the quality of their sex life.
  • Look at the stones of the school (the facilities), but even more so in the living stones (people at school).
  • Evaluate the slogans without being dazzled by things like "Growing as people" (I mean, how should they grow, like gremlins?) or "Chicient years in the service of education" (which makes you want to add "maybe it's time to close").
  • Ask for specifics. Lots of homework or not much? Projects, textbooks, laptops...? There is no right answer, but take careful note of what they answer and how they answer.
  • Go beyond E3. How will they learn to read and write? Involvement of families? What if a child is left-handed? Objectives for the whole course or for each student? How do plants learn? How do living beings study? What will they know and what will they be able to do when they finish primary school?
  • Ask everything, to avoid later problems with the SAQV ("you knew what you were coming for"). "Oh, it's that they do a prayer reflection in the morning!" Let's see, if you have signed your child up for the Sacred Heart of Jesus Redeemer of Santa María de los Apóstoles Recogidas, perhaps he will miss a few Our Fathers. If you have signed him up for the Ateneo Laico, Agnostic and Better Atheist school, you cannot ask that they do the Angelus hour at noon. SAQV!
  • Make sure you contact the office of the school you choose first: make sure they are very clear about what gives you the most points (especially if it is your first child) and what mistakes you cannot make (so as not to invalidate your application).
  • If you are in a group tied on points and the draw is called, good luck. And if you are not drawn, check the play-off possibilities. And if, however, it is not possible, go to point 1 and, above all, to point 10, below.
  • I don't always have the right things to say, but I will say this: choosing your children's school is very important, but remember that, although the school is your second home... your home is your first school! A hug pre-registration, families!