Sergi Pàmies recovers his novels, except the one he wrote to flirt

Barcelona"Ah, but you have written novels?" This question is probably one of the main reasons that have led the writer Sergi Pàmies to publish Three analog novels (Cream Notebooks), which is collected in a single volume The first stone, from 1990; The instinct, from 1992, and Sentimental, from 1995. At the presentation last Tuesday at the Jaume Fuster Library, the author exclaimed with humor: "I've finally made a thick book!"

Pamies was happy, and was very generous in his interventions. Before their new publication he recovered the three novels but did not want to reread them rigorously, but rather almost robotic, because he did not want to have emotional involvement. He could not avoid it completely, because in a fragment he discovered a very strong sentimental confession to his father. He remembered the origin of those lines, a real situation that occurred at the exit of a after, The Fifth Floor. "When we left, it was already daylight. You have to imagine a human and masculine mob, and then my parents passed by on the sidewalk. He was already using a cane, and a kind of "What a degradation, communist fighters who have gone through exile and war, and you who are a faggot" came to me, he explained in a comedic tone, but that was important: "I came home and began to obsess about writing it." time. First, the articles and stories returned, which he wrote in "small cracks of clandestinity": "The story fit, but not the novel. I focused on work, on producing and on billing, as we used to say before." Time went by, the twins reached 18, Pàmies separated and found himself with free time and the desire to return to the novel. We are twelve years ago: "I get dressed to go out and I say "They're going to find out, the novels!» With such presumptions and such pretensions. Imagine, Imperator at 10pm at night!» More laughter in the room. Too bad, he says, that the novel he wrote was worthless. It was about a separated man, one Christmas day. «It was all victimhood, very self-indulgent... It was a novel designed to flirt! Looking for those women who want to protect you, and I thought: if you can't do it, that's it. It's illegal!» It was a relative disappointment, because that failed book led him to write The art of wearing a trench coat. "In the professions of a certain creativity, each thing feeds what is to come. Being satisfied with something, but knowing that it is not what you had imagined, is what allows you to say "I don't know enough. I have to be better." It is an incentive to continue doing what you like."

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Nothing remains of that novel: Pàmies destroyed it. If you want to know why it was called We are getting to know each other Look for the video of the conversation (it will be posted soon). In the meantime, and after reading the other novels (which I highly recommend, especially The first stone), I'm already looking forward to the author's next novel. We'll see what it will be, because he also explained that he is "in a bisexual situation": "I look at stories with the same vocation and passion, and I'm open to the novel, but not obsessively. Sometimes I see one, from afar, and I say, 'There will be an opportunity'".