A referendum without additives or artificial coloring

If Spain is capable of facing the Catalan question head on, it could negotiate how to hold a referendum. Otherwise, the referendum will be called under new Catalan law a year from now

Esther Vera

The control of time is key to the art of politics, and Catalonia’s independence process has not been a model of Florentine strategy but, rather, an accelerated resolution of internal and external tensions. Pressure from the streets and distrust between politicians have been resolved with decisions that have often incorporated a countdown. This has provided new momentum to the process, but has also limited maneuvering room and hindered the ability to expand the majority that supports independence. When the CUP broke the stability pact, President Puigdemont upped the ante and applied the brakes. Yesterday he submitted himself to a vote of confidence, which he used to renew the momentum behind the political process. Now he will try to regroup his forces and open up the stage.

Puigdemont has brought back the discourse of a referendum, which has an incontestable international democratic worth, and which allows for him to directly question Catalonia Sí que es Pot, who support self-determination but not independence. He has not burned any bridges and has said to Madrid that "the offer still stands", but he served notice that "it won’t stop us, either". That is, if Spain is capable of facing the Catalan question head on, it could negotiate how to hold a referendum. Otherwise, the referendum will be called under new Catalan law a year from now.

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Meanwhile, the Spanish political system has imploded. Neither the PP nor the PSOE appear capable of taking on the responsibility of re-thinking Spain. Puigdemont is an unabashed supporter of independence and he will wait. As he said a few months ago: "I will do what I came to do". He has set a date for a referendum. Just like that, "without additives or artificial coloring".