Torra believes that the Government is not pressurizing the State "enough" to transfer resources to Catalonia

He regrets that ERC does not condition the State budget with economic compensation for restrictions

Núria Orriols

BarcelonaQuim Torra believes that the Government is not pressurizing the State "enough" to transfer resources to compensate financially for the restrictions of the pandemic. This is what the former President said in declarations to the ARA after participating in the presentation of the book El somni i l'esperança [Dietari 2019] by Celdoni Fonoll, published by Cossetània Edicions.

In his opinion, the State has dumped all responsibility to decide on the restrictions on the autonomies, but has not provided the necessary money to compensate for the closure of economic sectors, or remunerate people who are positive contacts, or have to take care of their children during lockdown. "The Government is obliged to make decisions for the health of the people, but it cannot compensate them economically", said the former head of the Govern. He referenced the Spanish budget on the day of the pre-agreement between PSOE and ERC: "If budgets have to be approved, they must be conditioned on this. If not, I no longer understand anything".

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Torra did not want to evaluate the conditions that the Republicans have put in place in order to support the budgets of PSOE and Unidas Podemos. Nor did he want to comment on the Government's easing of restrictions - bars and restaurants were reopened on Monday after an internal debate within the government -, because he assured that right now he does not have all the data to comment on these decisions.

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What the ex-President will talk about soon is what he experienced as the head of the Generalitat during the first wave of the coronavirus. Already during the presentation of Celdoni Fonoll's book, which is a 2019 diary full of political references, he explained that he also has a book he wants to publish: the Canonges' diary. It is a collection of entries made from the time the pandemic began until he was removed from office by the Supreme Court, on October 28th. The book includes political and personal assessments, as well as explaining why he finally did not call an election, although he could have.