Fátima Amiri, the Afghan woman who cannot study because of the Taliban in Afghanistan and bureaucracy in Spain.

1 min

She remembers ending up with all her clothes and bloody hair, and having to jump over the lifeless bodies of her friends lying on the floor after a suicide bomber blew himself up in their classroom. It was September 30, 2022. She was only seventeen years old then. In the attack, she lost her left eye and ear, and more than fifty of her classmates were killed. However, Fatima Amiri didn't become famous for that, but because a week after the attack on her school in Kabul, she showed up badly injured for the university entrance exam and achieved one of the highest marks. "I couldn't miss that opportunity," she says. International media outlets spoke of her feat, and the BBC even included her on its list of the 100 most inspiring and influential women of 2022.
