Antoni Bassas' analysis: 'PSC, Esquerra, and the Commons, a supplement to the pact'
Despite the lumps and scratches that Isla's government will face today due to the commuter rail network, the understanding with Esquerra and the Comuns remains in force.

Cospedal and Sánchez-Camacho's time in Congress was just as we reported yesterday here: both denied reality and Camacho still He had the nerve to present himself as a victim.
It was a double exercise in cynicism: Cospedal's, carried out from the superiority complex of high-ranking state officials over the provinces, and Sánchez-Camacho's, with his supposedly firm but truly pathetic dialectical verbosity, combining arrogance, victimhood, and an Orwellian desire to rewrite history. This is what she was taught more than twenty years ago in the PP's training sessions, when she was a member of Parliament: talk, talk, talk, don't let anyone talk, pretend she's right. The reality is different: both were active players in the state's sewers' response to Catalan political adversaries. Nothing happens to them because, for the state, these political adversaries are adversaries of the state, and the state must prevail.
Meanwhile, a debate on commuter rail is being held in Parliament today. The government will take a tough line, although he is not the first responsible of a chaos that is far from being resolved. What he is responsible for is working for one transfer of Cercanías in conditions, both political and economic, and to mitigate as much as possible the destruction that Delays and cancellations make a difference in people's lives.
But despite the lumps and scratches that today will take over the Isla government due to the commuter rail network, the agreement with Esquerra and the Comuns remains in force. Esquerra announced that it did not support a new budget for 2025, but later agreed to a credit supplement of 2.168 billion Which in practice equates last year's budget with the money needed for 2025. In return, the PSC has accepted Esquerra's proposal to reduce personal income tax for incomes under €33,000. A reduction that, according to the Catalan government, affects 63% of Catalans. And with this additional agreement with Esquerra and the Comuns, Isla's government pushes forward day after year.
Good morning.