Ada Colau to UN: “We are deeply embarrassed by how Europe is handling the refugee crisis”

While in NY, the Barcelona city Mayor slammed Spain’s authorities for preventing Barcelona from providing aid

Jaume Masdeu

New YorkIt was a meeting on urban planning, but mayor Ada Colau chose to bring up one of the subjects that concerns her party the most: standing up for the refugees and criticising the EU for the way it is treating them. On leaving the meeting where the UN’s Habitat III was discussed —with a view to devising the so-called New Urban Agenda— Mayor Colau stated that “we are deeply embarrassed by how Europe is handling the refugee crisis”.

Colau had referred to it during her conference address, when she asked the UN to put pressure on Europe to change its policies. Colau criticised Europe in general and Spain in particular. She claimed that Barcelona is willing to take responsibility and help out in this crisis, but the Spanish authorities won’t allow it. She added that Barcelona city has offered to take on some sick people and is willing welcome its share of refugees, but Madrid’s response has always been negative.

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Colau also mentioned Barcelona’s urban planning legacy and she quoted two former city mayors, Pasqual Maragall and Joan Clos. The latter presided over today’s meeting, as he is the Secretary General of the Habitat III conference.