2 min

Channel 2 is a channel that usually has audiences of just over 2%. But yesterday it managed to climb to almost 15% with the broadcast of the documentary. 7291, a sinister number indicating the number of deaths in nursing homes in the Community of Madrid during the pandemic, due to Ayuso's highly questionable management. That's a lot of deaths to fit into any political backpack, but the Madrid president has found a way to counter it, and her media allies are doing her work for her. Thus, we have in The reason the following front-page headline: "Ayuso: 'There are 130,000 deaths on Pedro Sánchez's shoulders'". Wow! If you bet me on more than 7,000, I'll double down and place twenty times that. The inconsistency of popular politics is such that, within the text, there is that other quote of hers where she criticizes the left for "instrumentalizing and politicizing pain for electoral gain." Which is exactly what she does with the 130,000 deaths, even though she hasn't added those of Portugal, Tokyo, and Tegucigalpa.

Isabel Díaz Ayuso

The newspaper, evidently, doesn't point out this contradiction and instead campaigns against the documentary, which it downgrades to a mere "video." Nor do they mention much about Councilor Alberto Reyero of Ciutadans, who was part of their coalition government and won the "Ayudame" award. These days, he's being interviewed everywhere, and his book is being revived. They will die in an undignified manner, which I suppose The reason, following the same inconclusive technique, would describe it as "some papers." The newspaper only mentions it to reflect the version of the Ayuso government, which, in a document, denies the figure of 7,291 deaths and describes it as an invention by its minister, "who had to be removed from his responsibilities for being ineffective." Political self-sufficiency always begins with informational self-sufficiency.
