Dark rooms, high temperatures and reggaeton: disco or gym?
The world of fitness has entered a new era thanks to establishments that have changed the way we understand sport

BarcelonaThere is no goalkeeper guarding the door because you already have an exclusive ticket. The pass in question is a kind of golden ticket that immerses you in a curious experience. There is a fridge with soft drinks, juices, ginger shots in abundance, and even some beer. Promotional clothing is also on sale. dress code You are escorted to the room. In the red hallway, moving letters announce where you are. You enter in the darkness, take a seat among twenty people, the DJ sits down, puts on his own playlist – from Rosalía to techno and reggaeton – and suddenly, fluorescent lights come on everywhere. The mirrors reflect the perfect reflection for a selfie. You can't stop moving, but you are amazed: you realize that you are on a stationary bike and that the person in front of you is not Martin Garrix or David Guetta, but the trainer assigned to the class.
Yes, you are in a gym, but you could be in a nightclub. The experience is similar and is based on three pillars: community, fun and well-being. This is the philosophy of Lapso Studios, one of the new gym chains installed in Barcelona that is revolutionizing the world of fitness. It shakes up the concept, the disciplines and activities taught, as well as the user experience, thanks to direct communication and fresh language. "It's my moment of disconnection and happiness," admits Inmaculada, another follower.
The gym as a centre of leisure and socialisation
Javier Herrarte, one of the founders of Lapso Studios, is also a trainer. Herrarte left the world of beauty behind to enter the sport and, together with three partners, founded this new model of gym. boutique, inspired by those that are successful in the United States or in northern Europe.
It was 2021 and, after the lockdown, everyone wanted to move around and get out of the house. The perfect context to promote a hybrid project focused on only three types of classes: indoor cycling, bar and toning. Today, they have two centres in Barcelona – one in Diagonal and the other, recently opened, in Aribau. “We saw that fitness was very binary: either large impersonal gym chains with a thousand options or small centres with a very specific discipline,” explains Herrarte. “The future was in the second model, but we wanted to improve their experience.” So they asked the first users directly what they missed in a gym. The answer was clear: “More activities that connect people while they exercise.”
“The feeling of community is very strong. You can see the passion of those who are part of the project,” says Eugenia Llopart, co-founder of Lapso Studios. To strengthen this bond, the centre has created exclusive and personalized plans for members, so they can share the experience with friends and family. They have also started to organize sporting events outside the gym, where they gather hundreds of people in unexpected places such as nightclubs, luxury hotels, swimming pools or even on the beach, which turns each training session into a unique social experience. In 2025, the opening of a new center in Barcelona is planned, as well as expansion to Madrid.
The new trainers: between the 'coach' and the rock star
A key factor in maintaining expectations and creating memorable experiences is having a good trainer. Someone who challenges, encourages and breaks the mold at the same time. "They contacted me directly through Instagram. They were looking for more disruptive profiles, aligned with the values of a gym that was doing well," explains Gerard Abad, one of the most popular trainers at Lapso Studios, where his classes are always full. Gerard changed the outdoor sport –skateboarding, snowboard or surfing– to lead a class ofindoor cycling. "Who would have told me," he says before explaining why he accepted the challenge. "Today I said in class that the price of making a mistake can be high, but the price of not trying is much worse," he adds. Four years have passed and Gerard combines training with his work as a salesman for the sports brands Element and DC Shoes. "The adrenaline and nerves before jumping out of a plane are the same as those I feel when I get on the bike to start a class," he explains.
Creating an emotional connection is key, and music plays a fundamental role. Gerard Abad is clear about this: every day he prepares his own playlist, which is then available on Spotify. But the ingredient that hooks his followers is motivation. "We understand sport as a body, mind and soul workout," he explains. And he adds: "That's why, during training, we reinforce values such as effort, desire and overcoming." The impact is evident: "Not only do you sweat, share and laugh, but you leave class wanting to take on the world," he concludes.
The 'barre' fever
If you don't know what it is bar, perhaps you are not up to date with the latest sports trends. This discipline that fuses ballet, yoga and pilates in the same class has become the star of many of the most innovative gyms in Barcelona. A clear example is Concept Barre, a fitness studio with a New York aesthetic founded by the dancer María Barrientos and her partner Michelle Mizes. After a long career in classical dance, Barrientos decided to reinvent herself: "Dance is a very chaotic profession, with periods of high workload and others of instability," she explains. This change also represented a personal challenge: "I felt lost because, when I left dance, my body and mind needed a discipline that I could not find in conventional gyms."
It was at that moment of evolution that Barrientos saw an opportunity: "After traveling to the United States to discover how to integrate dance and fitness, I created my method, fusing dance with functional training and pilates, which tone the body and provide strength and flexibility." According to her, the bar offers transformative changes in a short time. Beyond physical and mental well-being, Barrientos highlights an often forgotten aspect: "It is important to correct movements to get the most out of the sessions." With two centers in Barcelona and a community of almost 500 members, this dancer's method continues to grow with new sessions that complement each other. At the center, the motto written on the wall is clear: "Burn to bliss": "Burn until you are happy."
Training in the heat
These days, workout options are as varied as tastes. If you're looking to work up a sweat, Hotcore Studios is the place to go. It offers low-impact, high-intensity functional training in a 35-degree room with infrared panels that heat up the objects around it. "You can feel the temperature in the room, but you don't feel uncomfortable," explains Júlia Serra, founder of the center.
Serra discovered this modality in Los Angeles while working for Alexander McQueen in London: "Instead of doing very demanding workouts, I could do the day's exercise in 45 minutes." But what really struck her was the feeling afterwards: "I came out with a brutal feeling of well-being and thought: 'That's what I want to do,'" she recalls. What was a hobby quickly became a profession with the creation of this gym boutique The gym is located on Balmes Street. The public is mainly female, between 20 and 35 years old, like the founder herself. When asked if she thinks that the gym is the new disco of her generation, Julia answers without a doubt: "I think it's even better, because you have fun with whoever you want and, in addition, you take care of yourself while you exercise," she concludes.