Sandra Ortega: "Someone ought to apologise to us for not letting us get close to our relatives"Society | 14/02/2022
Jordi Cuixart: "Out of responsibility, we must put pressure on politicians again"Politics | 14/11/2021
Victòria Alsina: "I would like to push the Catalan electoral law through this legislature"Politics | 04/09/2021
Marta Rovira: "Demanding that the deadline for the negotiating table be shortened weakens us"Politics | 28/07/2021
Wynton Marsalis: "Jazz is the perfect metaphor for the search for personal freedom".Culture | 13/07/2021
Andreu Mas-Colell: "There is a difference between Sánchez and the Aznarism festering at State level".Politics | 01/07/2021
John Hoffman, CEO, GSMA: "In difficult times you know who your friends are and in Barcelona we have had support"Business | 28/06/2021
Joaquim Forn: "One good thing about prison is that we've come out with even stronger convictions"Politics | 26/06/2021
Catalonia would have 7,000 more deaths from covid if it acted like Madrid, say Argimon and Padrós Society | 02/04/2021