Three young men arrested for Samuel's murder
According to the National Police, they are between 20 and 25 years old

BarcelonaThe National Police have arrested three young men for the murder of Samuel, 24, on Saturday at dawn outside a nightclub in A Coruña, Galicia. The group that assaulted him to death shouted "faggot" at him. Those arrested are between 20 and 25 years old. According to the police, more arrests are not ruled out and the investigation will remain open "until the total clarification of the facts". The National Police, in the tweet they have published to report the case, has not assessed the motivation behind the crime. But the murder of Samuel has created "maximum concern" in the LGTBI collective of Catalonia, which in recent weeks had already warned of an increase in physical attacks.
The police investigation maintains that the beating would have started because of the use of a mobile phone, since, a few minutes beforehand, Samuel was with a friend making a video call that, according to the police, could have caused confusion in the group of young people who attacked him. So far neither the Ministry of Home Affairs nor the National Police have wanted to anticipate whether the murder was motivated by the fact that the victim was gay. The body had explained that it had already identified many people who were around the place where the crime took place, which has ended with these arrests.
On Monday afternoon hundreds of people filled several cities in concentrations rejecting the murder of Samuel. In Barcelona the mobilisation was multitudinous and filled an entire crossroads of the Sant Antoni super block.